Showing posts with label laws of universe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label laws of universe. Show all posts

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Not one single snowflake falls accidentally in the wrong place-why?

“The essence of laws of universe”

Do you know that this blog on laws of universe received the most visitors daily a few years ago even though I had another blog on how to make money online (now defunct) which I believe is the ‘forever hot trend’ in most of the search engines? As I was not frequently updating this blog, it has fallen out of the favor of search engines.

If I start speaking about ‘laws on which this universe functions’, most listeners would throw banal questions but a few would listen as if deeply interested only to end the conversation with a look that would convey utter cynicism.

I don’t get angry or offended; after all, I too was like that long back. People readily believe in scientific explanations or logical conclusions. For them seeing is believing. They don’t realize that they are at the receiving end several times a day due to cosmic intervention which is not seen but only to be felt or realized.

I am very happy to share my little knowledge on a few fundamental laws of universe. I am a firm believer in these laws. Read them and see if they make sense to you. If it is, read it again and forward to those that you think would be benefited.

  • Whatever has happened in your life (in mine too) could not have been better and nothing else could have happened. Even the minutest detail was thoughtfully and carefully planned so that even an obscure detail mattered and contributed. “If only…..” has no place whatsoever.
  • Things happen in our life either to teach us a lesson or just to make us move on.

  • Again, I touch upon the often repeated cliché, “If only had I left early…”, and “If only had I not encountered that person……” Every single situation in our life which we encounter is absolutely tailor-made and precise to the purpose, even though they might look like it is detrimental to us some times. Yes, it will surely defy our understanding. Do not try hard to understand; just accept it and move on.

  • Whomsoever we meet or stumble onto is the right person in our life though we tend to feel the other way at the time of happening. It is the intention of God and it implies that no one comes into our life by chance. Everyone who is around us, anyone with whom we interact carries a specific task which may be either to teach us something or to make us contribute something that would be useful to someone whom we might not have known or met before.
  • There are no such bad moments in our life. A moment is a moment-we only add ‘good’ or ‘bad’ tag to it based on our level of spiritual development.  What I mean to say is that ‘each moment in which something begins is the right moment’ and this applies to all of us irrespective of our social status, education, financial position, and family background.

We meet someone, see or hear something only when are ready; so don’t you think it is exactly the right moment, not a second before and not a moment later?

Don’t we all know this great proverb?
 ” Not one single snowflake falls accidentally in the wrong place!”

Image source:

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Let Your Faith Be Bigger Than Your Fears..

Let Your Faith Be Bigger Than Your Fears..

I was struck at these words for a full minute to allow the meaning to sink in. Within those 60 seconds, I was visualizing how these words can be used on events in one's life and how it can bring a sea of change in that person's life.

I stumbled onto an image in Google that carried this inspiring and thoughtful quote while I was looking for something else.

Whoever that had coined this phrase must have felt the real need of it-don't you agree? I mean, he/she would have let the fears run his/her life up to a point of 'no return' before he/she saw the wisdom of replacing the fear with faith.

The futility of nursing fear is not worthy of spending time.

I know personally what it means by contemplating on bigger than life 'faith'. Oh dear, do you know, keeping faith on only positive outcome of events and expectations would naturally activate a fundamental of Law of Universe? It attracts nothing but happy endings in one's life.

Most of us unfortunately allow the fear to become big, very big so that one fine (?) day, it enshrouds us completely. We give more room for fear in our mind and not giving the required space for faith.

I know there will be several protests from those who are suffering from fatal diseases, those are homeless and the likes. They might say, "how can you expect us to entertain faith at this stage"?

I would say, your will should not be allowed to be affected by any incident; you have complete authority on your will.

I run my life on a simple truth.
An incident or result of someone's life with conditions similar to mine is never an indication that I would also meet the same fate.

Oh man, I would call it FAITH.

A meme in WhatsApp showed the above image depicting the faith a child has in its father. I would say it is the best image describing faith.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What goes around comes around-a proof.

Fleming was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to the bog.

There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death.

The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.

"I want to repay you," said the nobleman. "You saved my son’s life."

"No, I can't accept payment for what I did," the Scottish farmer replied waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door of the family hovel.

"Is that your son?" the nobleman asked.

"Yes," the farmer replied proudly.

"I'll make you a deal. Let me provide him with the level of education my own son will enjoy if the lad is anything like his father, he'll no doubt grow to be a man we both will be proud of." And that he did.

Farmer Fleming's son attended the very best schools and in time, graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin.

Years afterward, the same nobleman's son who was saved from the bog was stricken with pneumonia.

What saved his life this time? Penicillin.

The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill ... His son’s name?

Sir Winston Churchill.

Someone once said: What goes around comes around.

Moral of the story: Work like you don't need the money.

Note: This is a guest post by my friend Revathi.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The fundamental laws of Universe.

What is most surprising is, this blog on laws of universe receives the most visitors daily even though I have another blog on how to make money online which I believe is the ‘forever hot trend’ in most of the search engines.

If I start speaking about ‘laws on which this universe functions’, most listeners would throw banal questions but a few would listen as if deeply interested only to end the conversation with a look that would convey utter cynicism.

I don’t get angry or offended; after all, I too was like that long back. People readily believe scientific explanations or logical conclusions. For them, seeing is believing. They don’t realize that they are at the receiving end several times a day due to cosmic intervention which are not seen but only to be felt or realized.

I am very happy to share my little knowledge on a few fundamental laws of universe. I am a firm believer in these laws. Read them and see if they make sense to you. If they are, read it again and forward to those that you think would be benefited.

  • Whatever has happened in your life (in mine too) could not have been better and nothing else could have happened. Even the minutest detail was thoughtfully and carefully planned so that every obscure detail mattered and contributed. “If only…..” has no place whatsoever.

Things happen in our life either to teach us a lesson or just to make us move on.

  • Again, I touch upon the often repeated cliché, “If only had I left early…”, and “If only had I not encountered that person……” Every single situation in our life which we encounter is absolutely tailor made and precise to the purpose, even though they might look like it is detrimental to us at that time. Yes, it will surely defy our understanding.

  • Whomsoever we meet or stumble onto is the right person in our life though we tend to feel the other way at the time of happening. It is the intention of God and it implies that no one comes into our life by chance. Everyone who is around us, anyone with whom we interact carries a specific task which may be either to teach us something or to make us contribute something that would be useful to someone whom we might not have known or met before. No one comes into our life by chance.

  • There are no such bad moments in our life. A moment is a moment-we only add ‘good’ or ‘bad’ tag to it based on our level of spiritual development. What I mean to say is that ‘each moment in which something begins is the right moment’ and this applies to all of us irrespective of our social status, education, financial position and family background.

We meet someone, see or hear something only when are ready; so don’t you think it is exactly the right moment, not a second before and not a moment later?

Don’t we all know this great proverb?

” Not one single raindrop falls accidentally in the wrong place!”

Friday, March 25, 2011

Don't attract money!

Why all the law of attraction speakers and writers focus on just money.? Can't we not attract straightaway the life we want?

Look at the tweets, titles of blog post, subject lines in SPAM emails! They all scream at us to learn the tips and tricks to attract money?

I think that is the only word that attracts all of us. That is why there is so much talk about attracting money from the specialists of LoA.

Don't attract money. You are likely to fall short of it by the time it arrives. Attract the life you want.

Actually the LoA works simply and easily. It is for ever obedient to our thoughts. LoA is not logically inclined. It will not tell you to be ware of your thoughts when you think negatively and destructively. It will just silently go about bringing exactly that which was in your thoughts.

We all have seen the ubiquitous board that warns "Be ware of dogs!"

How about this board that says,
"ஜாக்கிரதை! ஒரு வேளை நீங்கள் நினைப்பது நடந்துவிடலாம்!"

Ah, that was in Tamil. I feel the meaning is conveyed more aptly in my language.

I translate as below:
"Be ware! You might get what you think"

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The simplest block for law of attraction.

* It is ignored;
* It is overlooked
* It is not remembered
* It is not recognized

So, what is the 'it'?
Self love. This is the most fundamental quality to attract your desires and wants. Unfortunately, this simplest thing is not applied with all the above four metrics.

Yes, I know you strongly protest saying, "Who would not love thy self, after all, are we all not self centered"?

Yes we are but not always! Do I see you nod?
There are several times in day we let our temper take over us. We curse at others while we travel, in our office and in our home. These curses are at times self directed.

When we do that, we put ourselves at the repelling end of the basic law of universe which is attraction. In other words, we attract more such bad moments and we end up cursing more!

Got it!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Have you appointed the universal manager?

I appointed my universal manager. I give work to him (yes, not her) (Smile) daily and he obediently carries it out to my full satisfaction.

You too can appoint your own universal manager. I am not kidding dear. It is true and he does work for everybody who has faith in him.

Whenever you struck for ideas or solutions, whenever you are not able to decide on something, just delegate the work him and relax. There is absolutely no need to squeeze your small and limited mind to come up with what you want.

Though Universe is our master, it can also be our servant. The universal manager has unlimited potential to solve our so called problem.

How do you do this?
* There is no need to sit in a secluded place and pray fervently.
* There is no need to write down your problem on a piece of paper and let it fly away in the space to reach the universal manager.
* There is no money involved; yes you need not pay any salary to your universal manager.
* Just your wish is sufficient. It will be heard or felt by him and he immediately goes about fulfilling it.

Want a proof? Just try it and the see the result. That is your proof and when you have that, please make a comment to this post for the benefit of others.

I mean it. That is the power of your thoughts. Law of attraction at its obedient best.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Definitive ways to manifest your desires.

What will be your answer if I ask you, “What do you think as the most powerful motivation factor?”

My answer would be, “Desire”. Think about it for a minute. What else can motivate us than a desire to be, to have whatever we want to be and to have?

How desire differs?

If we are all inter-connected, why the desire differs from every individual?

In other words, how do you form a desire?

It is our various beliefs that lead to the formation of desires. Beliefs about self, the world, money, service, God etc are all responsible for our desires. Don’t you think so?

Following your desires:

If you follow your desire and take action accordingly (it might require boldness), then, don’t you think you are destined to manifest your desires? A desire without action is only daydreaming.

Change your desire:

Sometimes, when we take inspired action based on the available information while following our desire, we may find it is not the correct path. At that time, we simply will have to change the course rather than change the desire though we tend to think that the desire itself is not correct.

Anticipation is wonderful:

Anticipation is an exited state of mind. It enables you to focus on the outcome and makes you dream about what you will do once the anticipated material, moment or person arrives. It places you in a positive state of mind, which can guarantee manifestation of your desires.

Negative emotions that affect the realization of your desires:

A desire when formed in your thoughts, immediately exists in another plane and in the form of vibration. You will realize it in physical form when you are spiritually ready. (Don’t ask how, it is the law of universe).

You will deform your already formed vibration if you think in terms of worry and envy. These two futile emotions are sure to dissipate the positive cloud you have let out into the cosmos.

This or something better:

The most important aspect while you send out your desires in the form of thought energy into the universe is you should be open to receive what is given to you. This might be better than what you desired.

An article by Mandy Evans propelled me to write this blog post.
Read her 12 tips to harness the power of desire.

Monday, September 06, 2010

6 basic rules for manifestation.

If you hear someone saying that manifesting your desires is easy, I would urge you to take his word. He just spoke his experience. None can tell a lie on this subject.

He probably may not guide the world population on how to manifest their desires but surely, his true experience can be useful to several thousands of people who vibrate in his frequency.

Based on such numerous experiences of myriad people including me, I have tried my best to share with you the basic rules for manifestation.

Anyone can achieve or realize their goals, wishes and longings by following these very simple rules. I know it will work without exceptions. After all, these are the basic laws of universe.

* Brood for long to know exactly what you want in the long term. Repeat the exercise (if you call it that) the next day and write in just one sentence the one and only thing that matters to you at all times.

* Keep what you wrote on a piece of paper and carry it always with you even while you sleep. I do not know how you will do but you will have to.

* Read it at least 12 times a day at all the important moments that include even at your work place where your concentration is required.

* Do not talk about it to anyone even with your spouse.

* Do not change it or deviate it from the core of it. You can keep adding more vivid details to it but do not deviate.

* Behave to your true self, as per the nature of your soul, which is love and forgiveness. People will call you a fool when you try to live like that; so be it bit continue to live as per the inner voice or conscience.

The Universe will see to it that what you wrote on the paper will become a reality in its own time but not as per your agenda.


Friday, July 30, 2010

The simplest way to let cosmic forces to give you what you want.

You to go a shopping mall to buy a bunch of tooth brush for your family members. When you reach the shelf, a new tooth paste stares at you. It comes with a free offer of a hand kerchief. You are tempted. You go ahead and buy.

You comeback to your home and your children dip their hands in the shopping bag hoping to see their new tooth brush. Alas! What they find is only a tooth paste and there is no tooth brush to use the tooth paste!

How did this happen? You simply changed your intention!

This is the main reason for all of us for not being to manifest our desires. If we keep changing or intentions and desires, the cosmic forces are also confused. They end up giving you the last focused desire invariably.

Focus on one most immediate desire and move on to your next only after you have got it. This is a simple process and nature works only in this way. This is the law of universe among so many laws of nature.

Monday, April 06, 2009

How to get what you want?

I, you (probably) and many will reply like below to the most asked question: What you want to be?
“When I get that, I will be joyful.”

There is a flaw in this cliche. I found out from my experience. I used to reply like that earlier in my life but it changed at the blink of an eye when I read that in order to be to get something I want, I must be joyful first.

When you want something that can create certain vibration (for example: joy) in you, you must first produce the same vibration with in you to attract vibration of similar wavelength.

Unless you are joyous at present, you can't expect to attract materials, events, situations that can give you joy, however you pray for or apply other law of attraction methods like affirmations and visualization. Only positive vibrations can attract positive vibrations.

However there is another issue hidden in this: If you are already joyful even without any external material or conditions, then, why should you want anything for?

I hope you catch the essence of this law of universe.

Now, how do you raise your vibrations?
Well, each one follow their own method. I look at pictures like this.
It is a waterfall in Azores Island.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Never run out of time.

Our belief system plays havoc in our life. Remember, beliefs are created by us in response to our past experience.

If I say time is an illusion, there will be skepticism. So I will take another route. We all feel at some time or the other that we are short of time. We feel a pulsation at such times; we panic and do the unthinkable. We end up in regrets.

Here is viable solution that will lead to you think you have all the time in the world.

How about giving away your time to someone or even to yourself? Without thinking that you will be wasting precious time, invite someone to talk to or listen to. Or, better, if you just shut off your mind and just relax and listen to your heartbeat only.

Don't ridicule this idea till you try it out! We don’t give away our time only because we firmly believe there is no time to give. You believe in the lack of time but whereas time is only an illusion. We believe that if we give away time, then we will lose precious time. This belief should change to when you give something away you will get more to give away.

How about if you give time to others, you will get more time? And when you get more time, there is always enough for you and to others!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Why something negative happens?

After reading several book on the laws of Universe and after listening to Velukudi Krishnan's discourse, my mind is prepared by my creator in such a way that whatever happens is for good only.

When something something in my life experience which I or other members of the family look upon it as not expected and call it negative, I am beginning to see it as an indication that something is better is going to happen and that I am being prepared.

In my creator's point of view, the generally viewed condition as negative is positive to Him. This means to make place for the positive, the negative appears first. I am being prepared to accept whatever is given to me with gratitude.

This is a natural law of displacement-don't you think so?

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Make the universe owe you.

Your highness...Image by blipars via FlickrThe image here captivated me and it has no connection to what I am about to write.

I used to wish my friends, relatives, my husband's friends on their birthdays and wedding anniversaries. I am gifted with great memory and the receivers of my greetings are always astonished at my promptness.

Oh, enough of me! When I wish, I feel it sincerely and I am never upset that many of them forget to reciprocate on my birthday. It just didn't matter to me. It never mattered.

Very recently I read the following lines and I am glad of my attitude:
" You just wished yourself nothing but the best by wishing for others". Isn't that profound and true?

When you wish others without expecting to be reciprocated, the universe feels a large debit in its account and it doesn't like it that way. It wants to set its account right and goes about bestowing upon you its abundance.

In fact the Universe feels burdened by your gracious acts and it reaches out to you at the right time and at the right place.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Law of Universe in action.

Hey, I have kept my word and here I am, completing my previous post.

The Universe functions on the basic premise of 'Inclusion'. It means, whatever we are focusing on, is included in our life experience. Whether you like it or not, the thing, circumstance, event on which your giving your attention will be included and come forth as a reality in your life-no exceptions to this law of universe.

This Universe is based on attraction or inclusion, not based on rejection or exclusion. Our attention to anything comes into our experience-this is law.

I am sure there are questions you would like to ask. For example, you might have met with an accident or you have just a big chunk of your money on stock market. You will ask this question, "Do you mean to say I attracted this? No one will in their right mind would pray for this".

See, I am sure you have not wished or prayed for such a tragedy but sometime in the past, but you would have given your attention on such things and held it in your thoughts long enough to manifest at a later stage.

You would have watched a live accident, or you would have read about it news papers, you might have heard of stock market losses-well these things should have been registered on your subconscious mind. It won't analyze anything as good or bad. It will just proceed to bring about whatever is registered on it.

Please read this post again and the previous post on this same title; you will begin to understand the implications of your thoughts.

My gratitude to Eckhart Tolle and Joesph Murphy who have taught me all these their books.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Law of universe in action.

When you say 'Yes' to something you like and want it in your life experience, it is immediately given to you by the universe and waiting for you to receive it. Of course to receive it, you should be eligible for it. Rather, you must allow it in your life and for that you should a matching vibration.

This is all known to all of us.

But when you say 'No' to something you don't want, can you make it not happen in your life? Do you want me to rephrase the question? Ok, here it is.

You saw someone in a predicament in a restaurant because he had lost his wallet and unable to pay his bill. You saw it and you thought how you will behave given the same situation but decided that you don't want it to happen to you.

Can this prevent it happen? Your 'No' to it-can it exclude it from your life?

Read this blog again tomorrow for the answer!mrgreen

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The danger of comparison.

Comparing self with others, our children with other children is known to mankind when they first noticed the lack of something in them which others had.

It can be as silly as an extra candy to as big as President of a nation. We ponder on myriad things, simply wasting time without ever realizing the damage done to self.

People are uncomfortable when other had money to go to a fine restaurant when he ate in roadside diner; people curl themselves in with envy when they are aware that their friend or relative got a better job. The list is endless.

What are all the harmful effects of comparison:
Low self esteem
Unsociable attitude
Envy leading to serious physiological side effects
A feeling of inadequacy
Constant sense of remorse

As the focus is shifted on the lack of something, the law of attraction is set in motion and the lack magnifies.

Whatever we focus on, expands.
Let this important law of universe sink in. Remember to read this law as many times as possible in a day. I am 100% sure, you will change your focus on something you want instead of something you don't want.