My husband read an article in a U.S. news site about the growing need of people from all walks of life, a good night sleep that is filled with peace and not dreams. A dream filled sleep is not considered as a peaceful sleep.
He encouraged me to find a natural way to induce sleep without the aid of sleeping pills or injections. They are prone to make the user as an addict.
I knew about sound therapy to induce sleep but I never tried it simply because, I sleep the moment I hit the pillow.
I managed to find one proven sound therapy, wrote about it and published it in an article site giving a link back to the product. The link was shortened by
A few minutes ago, I saw that the link to peaceful sleep was clicked 25 times! Oh yes, this is a big proof that there are lots of people in the world who are looking to find ways to sleep naturally.
Here is that link to sound sleep.