Showing posts with label meditation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meditation. Show all posts

Monday, June 20, 2016

One Master Cure for freedom from Worry and Fear.

Just ask anyone, “Are you happy with your life thus far or at this very right moment”? and the answer will be invariably….
Yeas, you can guess and I assure you that you guessed it right 90% of the times.

If someone retorts angrily (angry with self mostly) by asking you, “How to be happy”? say this boldly with real conviction:” Happiness is the art of never holding in our mind the memory of anything unpleasant happened in the past.”

I ask you to re-read that is mentioned in bold above and ponder over it for a few seconds and you will realize nodding your head.

Before we delve on the reasons further for being unhappy, let us first narrow down just one single reason for it.

I would say “FEAR”. Fear further leads to the mankind’s most futile emotion which is “WORRY”.

It is your habit of constantly rehearsing a negative result and worrying over it, spending hours and hours pouring over it without anyone predicting an unpleasant result except you!

*What painful memories or regrets are holding you back? 
*What circumstances, habits or situations would you like to change in order to lead a perfectly peaceful life?
*Where exactly do you start to look for, and find this elusive state of perfect joy and contentment? 

Oh, perhaps you claim that you’ve already tried countless therapies, programs and attended seminars but found the results to be shot-lived to none.

I too have read countless feedback on these mind changing courses and sessions that they never really addressed the underlying causes and individual assessment was always superficial. In addition, they are generally designed to make you forget about the problems and feel good for a while.

I hear you ask me, “is there a master cure for not allowing fear to surface again in anyone’s life so that there are no more worries and thus allowing the happiness to embrace us and enshroud us”?

Yes and the master key is “MEDITATION”.

I’m talking about an easy-to-use, pain free master key for helping you:
·         eliminate all fear,
·         build fantastic relationships,
·         rocket your self-confidence,
·         embrace freedom,
·         drop addictions,
all absolutely without marathon effort.      

    For a free meditation CD and The Master Cure for freedom from Worry and Fear.     
Happiness Now - How To Be Happy

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why you are not manifesting through law of attraction?

Law of attraction or any other manifesting methods won't work just by reading e-books. They mostly lack full information and vital clues.

Law of attraction is all about focusing on your desires and practice to bring about a particular mental state where your conscious and subconscious mind
are facing each other at the same time. I mean, both should conform to each other when it comes to manifesting your wish.

We all enter into this state without really knowing we are there. It is at such times, everything seem to work for us mysteriously though there is no mystery.

It is just that you were at total peace and entered the state of super-consciousness which is also called 'raised consciousness'.

Music and meditation are excellent media to enter into super-consciousness. Some people say it is brainwave synchronization. It scares me as it sounds too technical.

I am sure meditation would help anyone to practice super-conscious state. I is long lasting than to listen to alpha or beta or gamma frequency music that forces one to lapse into raised conscious state temporarily.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Stop! Slow down to access faster vibration.

There is an awakening all over the world. People of all ages are seeking spiritual development. This quest is beyond relion and religious following. Cultural and social frontiers are ignored.

There is a sense of realization among many that money alone is the goal to be achieved; it is not the means of salvation.

I happen to attend a day long discourse on spirituality and meditation conducted by Swami Nithyananda Paramahamsa in Madras. There were as many as 800 people attended sincerely.

The sawmi's disciples made life look is easy and pleasant by their speech. They made everyone of us realize that we don't have to chase anything in life. Rushing is not THE WAY.

Life is fast. We have to race against time. Still, we vibrate at slow frequencies. In order to achieve faster vibration, we have to slow down. What a paradox!

Life is suddenly easy to me. Things are working out perfectly without the illusion of my efficiency.

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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The purpose of meditation.

If a beginner wants to know more about meditation, there is no point in turning the old custom that lays some rigidity on meditation methods.

Oh, I am sorry, let me not influence your mind. You choose the one that is comfortable for you. Let me speak my understanding about the purpose of meditation.

Every meditation involves focusing on some thing and shutting of the mind from thinking. This is possible only by regular practice.

When you stop your thoughts, you are also stopping positive and negative thoughts-right? When you stop the negative thoughts, you are actually releasing your resistance to receive cosmic energy.

When you allow it flow through you, a sense of calmness envelopes you. Your positive vibration surfaces and you are now close to your source or call it inner-self.

You are realizing that all your negative thoughts have stopped and this paves way for your desires to manifest.