Showing posts with label negative thinking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label negative thinking. Show all posts

Sunday, June 19, 2016

5 Steps to Eliminate Negative Thinking.

Are you like me, repeatedly thinking one negative thought or the other? For example, we may have been expecting a result or a visit from someone that could bring in fresh and new changes in our life, but we start contemplating on a negative result or an unfavorable decision. This recurring negative thought is so focused that we start living virtually in that negative situation.

If that is the case, how can we grumble that nothing positive is happening in our life?
This constant habit of focusing our entire energy on just one negative thought shuts off all the positive cosmic forces to enter in our life.

Is there any way to unlearn the habit of negative thinking?
Sure! Here they are and they work for me. There is nothing special involved here such as hi-tech sound therapy, NLP or EFT.

5 steps to eliminate negative thinking.
* Stop attaching too much importance to the outcome of a result or a decision.

* If the outcome turns out to be otherwise, firmly believe that your spirit guides have decided that your expected result is either not favorable to you at this time or you are just not yet spiritually or emotionally ready to face your expected outcome.

* Develop a strong belief system that nothing in this world is as serious as you view it.

* Life is a cycle and not a circle. A cycle will bring in seemingly good and bad, but we only attach the labels of good or bad to events and happenings.

* We have a choice - The choice to think. There is no external force involved. It is only we that choose to think what we want or don't want. So, why not think only of what you want? Who interferes in your decision to think negatively but you alone?

Sure, as normal human beings, we do allow some negativity to creep in our thoughts. But with sincere effort, we can eliminate this bad habit of thinking catastrophically.

As and when a thought surfaces, become aware of it and ask yourself whether this thought brings you peace or not. You shift your thought based on your feeling. You will slowly, but definitely stop thinking negatively.

This is the best method to curb your habit of thinking negatively.
Star Tarot

This blog post was originally published in Ezine Articles

The reason for the image above which is unrelated to the topic of the blog post is, it is a cheerful image to me and instantly, anything negative on my mind melts.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

How to stop unwanted thoughts?

We often proudly say we are humans but only we are capable of thinking negative. At the same time, only we are gifted with the process of thinking but somehow, we learn to misuse this gift though none taught us.

Negative thoughts which are absolutely unwanted crush our day to day life, driving us inase. We hate ourselves for inability to control our thought. Unwanted thoughts keep surfacing, making us paranoid of everything and everyone in our life.

We entertain:

* Crazy thoughts.
* Shameful thoughts.
* Obsessive thoughts.
* Fearful thoughts

From where do these thoughts that appear? From nowhere?

Negative thinking prevents us from achieving the possible while positive thinking can help us to achieve what looks impossible.

Science says the moment you believe you can do something, things begin to change. In fact, even before you believe you can do, the mere thought of contemplating something that you can and want to do, makes some physiological changes (branches of nerves leaning toward something that can fetch you knowledge and resources to accomplish your intention).

Therefore, how to stop these unwanted thoughts?
* Do you have to approach a rishi/sage who is doing penance in Himalayas?
* Are there special teachers of psychology to teach you how to stop thinking negatively?
* Has someone published a proven method to ban unwanted thoughts from our mind?

Any ideas, answers or guides?

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Friday, May 04, 2012

How to avoid thinking about negative results?

Negative results-don't they always fill up our thoughts irrespective of our occupation?
We are all obsessed with thinking/expecting/rehearsing negative results. If explored the reasons for this destructive behaviour, I could fill 4 pages in this blog.

So, let me not foray into the reasons and instead share my simple action to avoid this bad habit.

How do you replace negative with positive thinking? Catch yourself when contemplating catastrophic outcome and immediately visualize the image of your favorite God or any image that gives you pleasant memories.

The image of your God is the ultimate positive focus. God is the personification of supreme positive vibration. When you focus your thoughts on such a positive place, there is no room for negativity to enter.

That's it. Just don't create any space in your mind for the destructive thoughts to enter. Fill up your mind with pure positive images, incidents, people and places.

You will see a big change in your life and mood.

Friday, October 21, 2011

How to banish unwanted thoughts?

Most of the time statistics mislead us but they reveal something. We can take it as a base to elaborate further on.

For example, the mental health field says that 3% of us suffer from Unwanted Thoughts. It may be more as the time goes. Before checking the veracity of the figure, let us examine the various natures of ‘unwanted thoughts’.

· Shameful thoughts

· Crazy thoughts.

· Destructive thoughts..

While most these thoughts might have their origin within us, some of them might appear from nowhere. In this blog post, I would like dwell on the thoughts that appear from nowhere which the psychologists call as Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD).

It is a kind of anxiety induced by thoughts which appear to have no connection at all to our daily life routines but still, they are of intrusive nature. These intrusive thoughts fill us with extreme uneasiness which when further analyzed would reveal residual worry or fear.

Symptoms of OCD:

· An urge to oppose anything what we hear or read

· Fear of forgetting something important though actually we have not forgotten such as locking the door

· Unable to spend even for our essential due to fear of going broke

· Unreasonably intolerant towards other religions

An obsession to get rid of these unwanted thoughts would even lead to a sort of temporary insanity.

The other day, I was reading about this particular mental ailment when I stumbled on a solution for this by a leading psychology expert named Bradley Thompson.

He claims that he has found out an effective method of eliminating all Unwanted Thoughts from the source. Asked whether his method would seize recurrence, he assures they never occur again.

Naturally, his method of eliminating unwanted negative thoughts has worldwide attention.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

How to predict your next moments?

Molokai Cliffs-Hawaii-Courtesy:

So, you have been wanting to a spend a delectable vacation in Hawaii. I presume you have a fair knowledge of all the Hawaiian islands, vacation rentals in Hawaii, the food, the culture, the natives of Hawaii, wines and fruits of tropical Hawaii, the cost of a 4 day vacation in Maui or Oahu that promises all visitors a vacation experience they won’t forget.

Now you start creating a mental picture of yourself with your family on the Hawaii beaches that are sunny as you would expect. All fine so far.

Suddenly, the negativeness in all of us that is also in you takes over you and you start asking yourself these questions:
* What if it rains all the four days in Hawaii?
* What if one of the kids gets sick at the sea?
* What if I misbehave with a native woman?
* What if the flight misplaces my luggage?

I think I have decently made the list short.(Smile)

When the first imagination is let out in the atmosphere, they become living forces and all living forces tend towards realization. They will put pressure upon the terrestrial events in order to be able to realize itself.

When they are about to appear in your physical life experience, your second set of negative and destructive imagination that are also let out in the cosmic field, moves in and overlaps the first one.

So, watch your thinking always and never give life to those thoughts that you don't want to happen in your life. And when you learn this difficult task, life becomes very interesting and you will not have any time to feel bored.

You can literally predict your next moments as they are the effect of your previous moments' thoughts.

Inspiration: The Mother of Aurobindo Ashram

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Is there a solution from thinking negatively?

Who would you call your worst enemy?

I would point to myself if I am asked. I am the author of my own negative, destructive and unwanted thoughts and they in turn shape up my life.

It is simple as that and applicable to every human being in the world-no exception.

If you care to look for statistics in the Internet, you would read 3% of us suffer from unwanted thoughts.

It is wrong! I would say 99%

We all (the 99% I mean) simply entertain themselves with shameful thoughts and this great exercise (?) is carried out when we physically inactive. Our mind takes that kind of rest. It works 24/7

Where these thoughts have originated from and entered our mind?

Are you made responsible for your thoughts since it is a known scientific fact that we allow thoughts to enter our mind? If so, is someone else thinking for you?

What you have to do when you realize that you’re thinking negatively and self-destructively?

Do you have to suppress them by seeking the help of psychologist or your religious teacher?

Is there a solution from thinking negatively?

Can we plant a switch in our mind to turn it on whenever we rehearse painful and sad outcome and the switch does the rest?

I again ask you, “Do YOU suffer from Unwanted Thoughts?”

Bradley Thomson offers a solution. He says you can learn to control your thoughts.

Monday, April 04, 2011

What is a negative emotion?

When someone is doing something or about to do something, in a way I don't want it to be done - and I m not able to accept it - I become angry.
When someone is doing something or about to do something, in a way I don't want it to be done - and I'm able to accept it - I remain tolerant.

When someone is having something or someone is able to produce the results which I m not able to produce - and I'm not able to accept it - I become jealous.
When someone is having something or someone is able to produce the results which I'm not able to produce - and I'm able to accept it - I get inspired.

When I'm encountering uncertainty or is about to encounter uncertainty, which I'm not sure how I'm going to handle - and I'm not able to accept it - it causes fear in me.
When I'm encountering uncertainty or is about to encounter uncertainty, which I'm not sure how I'm going to handle - and I'm able to accept it - I feel adventurous about it.

When someone has done something that has emotionally hurt me - and I'm not able to accept it - it develops hatred in me.
When someone has done something that has emotionally hurt me - and I'm able to accept it - it helps me forgive them.

When someone is present in my thoughts, but is not physically present - and I'm not able to accept it - I say I'm missing u.
When someone is present in my thoughts, but is not physically present - and I'm able to accept it - I say I'm thinking of u.

Thus, Emotional Equation becomes:
Something + Acceptance = Positive emotion
Something + Non-Acceptance = Negative emotion

So, it is not something or someone who is making me feel positive or negative, but its my acceptance or non-acceptance of something or someone, which impacts things...

Think About It..

Friday, May 28, 2010

In 17 seconds... you can create.

A thought seeks it physical expression when it is given life for a minimum of 17 seconds. So, there is ample time for all of us to stop ourselves in the middle of thinking a negative/destructive thought and immediately replace it with a positive thought.

If you old on to your positive thoughts for just 17 seconds, then nature takes it course and see to it that you return back to your same positive thoughts, add color, more meaning and details so much so that you start visualizing the outcome of the thought.

Similarly, 17 seconds negative thoughts will bring you exactly what you are thinking. So, there is ample time for all of us to catch our negative mood and change to positive ways.

Someone asked me how to find out whether we are thinking positively or negatively. The answer is simple; very simple really. If you feel happy while thinking, then you are on a positive note. But negative thoughts, though might give satisfaction when we are in a sullen or sadistic mood, the after effects will leave a residue of unpleasantness in our heart.

This is a very clear indication of our nature of emotions.