Yes, you can say that for beginners. Just starting to meditate? You might use free tools and guidelines. is a website dedicated to enlightenment and it is a place to meet like minded persons who believe in raising their consciousness level.
They offer tools for free such as:
1. Free Mp3 Guided Meditations you can download and play
2. A Free 7 Meditations eBook by Steven S. Sadleir in PDF format
3. A Free Live Guided Meditation teleconferenced class
4. A Free Monthly E-Newsletter "The Present Moment"
I believe in the potential of sound meditation and these CD Roms that are said to relax you and make you meditate can be useful for those who just start to meditate.
I believe in the potential of sound meditation and these CD Roms that are said to relax you and make you meditate can be useful for those who just start to meditate.