Showing posts with label consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label consciousness. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why you are not manifesting through law of attraction?

Law of attraction or any other manifesting methods won't work just by reading e-books. They mostly lack full information and vital clues.

Law of attraction is all about focusing on your desires and practice to bring about a particular mental state where your conscious and subconscious mind
are facing each other at the same time. I mean, both should conform to each other when it comes to manifesting your wish.

We all enter into this state without really knowing we are there. It is at such times, everything seem to work for us mysteriously though there is no mystery.

It is just that you were at total peace and entered the state of super-consciousness which is also called 'raised consciousness'.

Music and meditation are excellent media to enter into super-consciousness. Some people say it is brainwave synchronization. It scares me as it sounds too technical.

I am sure meditation would help anyone to practice super-conscious state. I is long lasting than to listen to alpha or beta or gamma frequency music that forces one to lapse into raised conscious state temporarily.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

What stands betwwen you and your happiness?

What is that which stands between your present very humanly state of mind and the ultimate happiness that sages and rishis call it bliss?

It your consciousness! Everything centers around your present consciousness of what think you are and how you take life situations.

Invariably our conscious is at very low frequency which is the prime reason for our sullen and gloomy mood. If you care to recall the times of your happiness and your actions on those very specific moments, you would realise that your were vibrating at a very high frequency-the vibrating frequency of God and sages.

Here are 4 best ways to raise your consciousness:

1. Stop judging others. Judging people that matter to your life puts you in a negative emotion and that is not a happy state of mind. Allow others to differ from you.

2. Live by your emotions. Listening to your inner voice and acting accordingly is the best way to live a guilt free life. A guilt free life is a life of ultimate freedom.

3. Gratitude is the highest virtue, a guaranteed certificate of life full of things that you appreciate and would always. When you say thanks to something or someone that made you receive something valuable, you are very likely to receive or experience the same repeatedly. As they rightly said, what you appreciate, appreciates you.

4. Forgiveness is another Godly quality that we must all practice always. This is again a sure fire way to make you feel free-free from guilt and sulking. It not only means forgiving others but forgiving you which is absolutely necessary to love yourself and others.

Living a guiltless life is like living a life of ultimate freedom. And freedom is pure bliss!

Friday, April 18, 2008

From a Heart powered consciousness.

The idea of communication purely the consciousness power only by our heart is revolutionary and the consequences are mind boggling.

Ever since, our mind took over our heart thereby completely clouding the heart energy, we are leading our life run through our mind. One could more aptly say that the mind is leading our life and not we lead a life.

Ok, what would be like communication through heart powered consciousness?

Do you know that here is an aboriginal tribe deep in the Amazon jungle called the Kogi who "spoke" telepathically through little sounds from the Heart and not of the mind, and created images inside your head, and you could "see" what the other person was communicating?

I would recommend you to read
this blog

Thank you Al Diaz!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Where Angels Fear To Tread.

Where Angels Fear to Tread is a book by Alex J. Morrey. The book touches the principles of quantum physics and the collective consciousness.

Quantum physics says that the act of our observation creates a solid object which otherwise at the quantum level is not a solid object but a a particle and a wave at the same time.

The general human belief that our thoughts originate from our brain is no longer valid. All thoughts arise from a collective consciousness and that we are all responsible for the world at it appears and behaves today.

"Instead of following the current trend of assuming it to be a consequence of objective fact independent of humanity, it is shown how it can be thought of as a consequence of collective belief very much dependent upon humanity, with reality being established by means of a subliminal perceptual consensus in the form of a coercive interaction between all the minds of humanity. This means that we (humanity) engendered the creation of what we perceive and think of as the ‘physical’ reality of the universe."- Universal Belief.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

This is my second appointment with Ms.Laurie Brenner.

Yesterday, I emailed her that I made a mention of her website in my blog post. I do this whenever I make a mention of a website that I find useful. Mostly, the concerned webmasters will not acknowledge due to their busy schedule.

But I was pleasantly surprised to receive a reply from Laurie. It is very sweet of her.

I promised myself to read her articles leisurely. I just completed reading her well written article on 'How to be wealthy'

After reading a few lines, I encountered the word 'Quantum Physics' which is the most favorite subject. I read the article in full and I agree that affirmations about money alone will not make one wealthy. It is the consciousness of wealth alone yields the desired results.

But I feel I have not understood the example laid out by Laurie on how the belief system will help in changing the consciousness.

I quote her.
"Look at your financial situation today. Look at your core beliefs about Wealth and You, and see if your life isn't a PERFECT reflection of your beliefs".

I need to dwell on these lines a little more to understand the meaning of it.

Do visit her folks. Her website is very valuable for all of us who yearns for a peaceful world.