Showing posts with label positive thinking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label positive thinking. Show all posts

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How easy it is to attract positive happenings.

To attract only positive things in your life:
* You don't have to buy costly e-books on positive thinking.
* You don't have to attend a seminar of stalwarts of positive thinking.
* You don't have to enclose yourself in a dark room to sit and meditate.
* You don't have to install any software on your computer to re-program your mind to think positively.

What else should I do to attract positive happenings in my life?

By spreading the Positive Energy, you can attract automatically that you have spread. Positive vibration will reach towards similar positive vibrations that are constantly floating in the Universe and bring them into your life experience.

How to spread this positive energy?
Just by resolutely shutting off of your negative thoughts, you are paving way for your mind to allow positive energy. When this happens you naturally begin to attract positive people and positive situations into your life.

I know it for certain from my own experience.

I track my thoughts honestly by being vigilant over my thought patterns. Sure, negativity will surface more often than positive thoughts but it is easy to send the negativity away once you are honest to yourself over your thoughts.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

How to be happy even before something good happened?

If you catch yourself forlorn and worried (yes, you must be aware of your present mood), ask yourself just this one question: "Am I thing about the outcome/result of something"?

Invariably, man's prime of cause of worry is what is going to happen-right? If your answer is 'yes', then, you will notice that you will be contemplating all sorts of negative results of your recent action which may be your conversation with your immediate family or co-workers in your office, your recent purchase of a gadget or a book etc.

Once you notice the nature of your contemplation, stop and ask yourself why you are thinking on the negative directions. This will reveal to you many things. Mostly, you will find yourself holding on to something that had happened in your past that ended up negatively and you firmly believe that the same thing will happen again.

Why? Why it should repeat? There is no such law of universe that things will happen the same way for any given issue!

Realize and accept this fact and you will catch yourself thinking on positive results. Immediately, your mood will perk up and cheer will return to you.

See, even before something good happened, you are happy! So, it is all in your way of thinking. Thinking positive itself will make you happy. Why not think positive!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Forget positive thinking.

Is there something else we have to do other than focusing on positive thinking? I know we are trying our best to stay off the negative path and practice positive thinking sincerely.

Still those dreams of our own house and fat bank balances are elusive as ever. Why?

Beyond positive thinking, are we not taught about any secret that has to be unlocked to see the results?

Do we not believe in ourselves? Are there some deeply hidden blocks that are interfering in our positive thinking?

If there are some unconscious blocks, how to spot them and remove them from our mental system?

Check it out at

Friday, November 06, 2009

Using positive self-talk to conquer negative voice.

Human beings' most precious gift is the choice to think. Our thoughts are mostly negative that always conquer the rare positive thoughts. Why it so? Why not the other way?

We voluntarily yield to our negative inner voice and write our own death sentence to the positive and constructive thoughts.

Don't say that it has not happened to you.

How to overcome this defeatist attitude?

Using positive self talk is the only way out of this bad habit. Surely you might have heard of positive affirmations and how they can be effectively used to quell the inner negative commands!

Use these positive affirmations whenever you encourage self-doubt. This is a sort of reprogramming your mind to unlearn the habit of allowing the negative inner voice to suppress the positive and constructive thoughts and ideas.

Learning to quiet the nagging negativity with positive self talk is an effective way to see wonderful results in your life.

Here is software called 'The Sculptor method' to use affirmations effectively.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Yes, I am back.

But this interlude will continue because of survival. I get to write sponsored posts from a few Internet marketing companies. Sometimes I will review a blog that is related to the title of this blog.

In between, I will share what I read, hear and do.

I used to read the teachings of 'The Mother'. She wrote with great wisdom driven by spiritual power.
" Thoughts are forms and have an individual life, independent of the author. Once sent out, they move towards their realization".

Understand the enormity of this. Once sent out, it is not possible to bring them back. So everyone of us have a big responsibility to shape this world as we visualize. It is possible for us to pollute the universal consciousness with positive and constructive thoughts.

Once the collective consciousness is saturated with positive thoughts, then world will become a land of immense bliss and peace.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Thought theives?

I would say the expression is rather mild.

I know I had destructed, destroyed myself by my own thoughts in the past. I have been very cruel to myself and so to the world. Absolute ignorance and nothing but pure, unadulterated ignorance was the sole cause.

At present I am reading Laurie Brenner's Law of Attraction Masters in another window where I caught the expression,'Thought Thieves'.

You see a room that is pitch dark. How will you remove the darkness? Just by bringing light in to the room, the darkness melts away.

These sentences from Wayne Dyer hit me hard and square and I immediately realized how to heal myself by removing self destructive thoughts. I only need to replace my negative thoughts with constructive and positive thinking. By repeatedly doing this consciously, this form of benevolent thinking becomes an habit.

Wait, I have so much to tell you but before that let me complete a sponsored post. (hey, I have to survive-right?) Smile.