Sunday, September 30, 2012

How to stop unwanted thoughts?

We often proudly say we are humans but only we are capable of thinking negative. At the same time, only we are gifted with the process of thinking but somehow, we learn to misuse this gift though none taught us.

Negative thoughts which are absolutely unwanted crush our day to day life, driving us inase. We hate ourselves for inability to control our thought. Unwanted thoughts keep surfacing, making us paranoid of everything and everyone in our life.

We entertain:

* Crazy thoughts.
* Shameful thoughts.
* Obsessive thoughts.
* Fearful thoughts

From where do these thoughts that appear? From nowhere?

Negative thinking prevents us from achieving the possible while positive thinking can help us to achieve what looks impossible.

Science says the moment you believe you can do something, things begin to change. In fact, even before you believe you can do, the mere thought of contemplating something that you can and want to do, makes some physiological changes (branches of nerves leaning toward something that can fetch you knowledge and resources to accomplish your intention).

Therefore, how to stop these unwanted thoughts?
* Do you have to approach a rishi/sage who is doing penance in Himalayas?
* Are there special teachers of psychology to teach you how to stop thinking negatively?
* Has someone published a proven method to ban unwanted thoughts from our mind?

Any ideas, answers or guides?

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