Thursday, May 19, 2011

The fundamental laws of Universe.

What is most surprising is, this blog on laws of universe receives the most visitors daily even though I have another blog on how to make money online which I believe is the ‘forever hot trend’ in most of the search engines.

If I start speaking about ‘laws on which this universe functions’, most listeners would throw banal questions but a few would listen as if deeply interested only to end the conversation with a look that would convey utter cynicism.

I don’t get angry or offended; after all, I too was like that long back. People readily believe scientific explanations or logical conclusions. For them, seeing is believing. They don’t realize that they are at the receiving end several times a day due to cosmic intervention which are not seen but only to be felt or realized.

I am very happy to share my little knowledge on a few fundamental laws of universe. I am a firm believer in these laws. Read them and see if they make sense to you. If they are, read it again and forward to those that you think would be benefited.

  • Whatever has happened in your life (in mine too) could not have been better and nothing else could have happened. Even the minutest detail was thoughtfully and carefully planned so that every obscure detail mattered and contributed. “If only…..” has no place whatsoever.

Things happen in our life either to teach us a lesson or just to make us move on.

  • Again, I touch upon the often repeated cliché, “If only had I left early…”, and “If only had I not encountered that person……” Every single situation in our life which we encounter is absolutely tailor made and precise to the purpose, even though they might look like it is detrimental to us at that time. Yes, it will surely defy our understanding.

  • Whomsoever we meet or stumble onto is the right person in our life though we tend to feel the other way at the time of happening. It is the intention of God and it implies that no one comes into our life by chance. Everyone who is around us, anyone with whom we interact carries a specific task which may be either to teach us something or to make us contribute something that would be useful to someone whom we might not have known or met before. No one comes into our life by chance.

  • There are no such bad moments in our life. A moment is a moment-we only add ‘good’ or ‘bad’ tag to it based on our level of spiritual development. What I mean to say is that ‘each moment in which something begins is the right moment’ and this applies to all of us irrespective of our social status, education, financial position and family background.

We meet someone, see or hear something only when are ready; so don’t you think it is exactly the right moment, not a second before and not a moment later?

Don’t we all know this great proverb?

” Not one single raindrop falls accidentally in the wrong place!”

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Kamala said...

Very very true !Infact I would go one step ahead regarding point 3 and say"People sometimes come into our lives because they need our prayers!A drunkard on the road,a depressed or 'mad' person,a stray dog in pain-but most often the person who stands in the way of your progress,the person who seems to be unreasonably angry with you (for some karmic reason)-they need our prayers more!"I sincerely believe in this!

Rangan Badri said...

Thanks for reading and leave your point.

Unknown said...

Very Nice Site. You are in touch with what goes on. The laws of the universe has an upward curve that you must continue to stay above. Multiple factors can bring your universe down. A solution to these things seems to be addressed in the new Cloud Technology product just launched to help individuals in the world. It can remove negative attitudes, replace them with a positive belief and measure your progress till you are 100%. The law of the universe is affected positively. Please pass it on as it is amazing.