Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The world's best definition of Faith.

The best definition of Faith

that I have ever come across is on the image below.

You would have read on hundreds of places about what 'faith' is. Most of them would relate to religious faith. However, this faith is not pertaining to religion but 'LIFE'.

It is all bout your faith in:
* life
* people
* the next moment
* your next step

You see, you don't faith; it is in you. We all have it.

Image courtesy: I got it from one of my Google circles.
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Monday, October 22, 2012

Felt like been there before? Déjà vu?

The feeling that you had already visited a place that you are visiting for the first time is applicable to us all. It is not something special exclusively to spiritually advanced people like you and I and him. Oh yes, and her too.

This strange feeling of been there before is called déjà vu.

Such familiarity feeling need not be pleasant always. While we cannot rule the feeling of happiness, some reported inexplicable fear.

 What does it imply? That is the ultimate question when that feeling occurs.

Did you live there in your previous birth? Most of movies made on déjà vu
indicated previous birth association. This is true to a large extent.

Another certain possibility is your inner wish, buried deeply in your subconscious mind. The image of a place that you saw in movie or in a magazine would have made you wish to go over there one day.

Finally, a dream manifested in physical reality. The image of the place etched in your subconscious mind was so strong that it surfaced in your dream. We all remember some dreams vividly even after a few days while most of our dreams vanish into thin air as soon as the dream was over.

Beyond these possibilities, I don't attach any meaning to feelings of déjà vu.

Metaphysics is interesting.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why women like Alpha males?

Women do not only like alpha males; they adore them!   Find out why by reading further.

Alpha is the brightest star in a constellation.

Alpha males are guys who seem to be leading the pack, the hunter, the ever-reliable male god. It is all about their strength in the character.

There is a semblance of authority in his voice that seems to attract others, male or female. An alpha male is filled with confidence about his looks though he may not be handsome and is confident about his intelligence though he may not be a Wharton graduate.

Very well said-eh?

Women describe alpha males as those with an innate superiority and who literally leads the pack. These are males who are aggressive and assertive despite their limitations.

Alpha males are said to be born leaders, self confident and assertive. These are the qualities that make women swoon over the alpha male. 

Need we say more?

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Amazing facts about essential oils and aromatheraphy.

Amazing facts about aromatherapy and essential oils.

When I first came across the word, 'Aromatherapy', I thought it is a misnomer because I was under assumption that therapy is something to with physical touch by human hands.

My myth was busted when I first undertook a eucalyptus vapor treatment. It is a fine example of aromatherapy.

Fragrance emanating from plant oils are used for cosmetics purposes as well as physical and mental health.

The word aroma implies the process of inhaling the scents from these oils into your lungs for therapeutic benefit.

A few amazing and less known facts of aromatherapy:
*  When the bubonic plague hit in the 14th century, thousands of people perished. later, aromas were used to ward off the deadly disease.

* Remember the popular nursery rhyme, “Ring Around the Roses”? It actually  refers to aromatherapy. The lines, “a pocket full of posies” allegedly refers to keeping the flower in ones pocket in an attempt to keep the illness away.

* Lavender essential oil is the most used plant oil for both cosmetic and physical healing. It heals wounds of burn healed rapidly and also leaves no scope for scar!

* Aroma oils should be always kept in dark glass bottles.

* All aroma oils are not actually oils. Yes, another misnomer!

* Diabetics should not use angelica, a native herb of Lapland.

Very interesting-eh?

If you want to know more about aromatic oils, their pros and cons, please pay me $3. Yes, just $3 and I will give an amazing ebook full of information on aromatherapy.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

How to stop unwanted thoughts?

We often proudly say we are humans but only we are capable of thinking negative. At the same time, only we are gifted with the process of thinking but somehow, we learn to misuse this gift though none taught us.

Negative thoughts which are absolutely unwanted crush our day to day life, driving us inase. We hate ourselves for inability to control our thought. Unwanted thoughts keep surfacing, making us paranoid of everything and everyone in our life.

We entertain:

* Crazy thoughts.
* Shameful thoughts.
* Obsessive thoughts.
* Fearful thoughts

From where do these thoughts that appear? From nowhere?

Negative thinking prevents us from achieving the possible while positive thinking can help us to achieve what looks impossible.

Science says the moment you believe you can do something, things begin to change. In fact, even before you believe you can do, the mere thought of contemplating something that you can and want to do, makes some physiological changes (branches of nerves leaning toward something that can fetch you knowledge and resources to accomplish your intention).

Therefore, how to stop these unwanted thoughts?
* Do you have to approach a rishi/sage who is doing penance in Himalayas?
* Are there special teachers of psychology to teach you how to stop thinking negatively?
* Has someone published a proven method to ban unwanted thoughts from our mind?

Any ideas, answers or guides?

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Get rid of any bad habit in just 21 days.

Habit busting treatments are more popular and in demand than treatment for cardiac ailment! Don't believe it?

Ok, just tell me how many habits are considered bad?
The usual replied would be smoking and drinking alcohol-right?

Just see below the other habits that are treated at various rehabs.
List of bad habits

Did you go through the list? Neglecting your health is bad habit!

Do you have any one or more of the above habits? If so, do you want to get rid of it and live a clean life without guilt?

Psychologists say that there is one common myth that is preventing people to genuinely try to get rid of bad habits.

Discover it today.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Remove mental conflict with your Subconscious Mind.

99% of us are ignorant. When I mean ignorant, I mean we are ignorant of our own mental abilities and not of anything external or third parties. In addition to our ignorance, we strongly deny that and also claim that we are highly educated and know what who we are.

Pathetic assumptions!

We are capable of achieving seeming impossible things if only we unleash the power of our Subconscious Mind. Nevertheless, we should first identify our mental conflicts and erase them from our mind.

This is easier said than done because we firmly believe that we have no mental conflicts. If that is true, we should always be happy and cheerful but obviously we are not. 


We have only one mind, but it has 2 distinct functions  or two different personalities namely
1,  The Conscious Mind
The rational thinker that is responsible for decision-making,  analyzing situations and people, making judgments etc.
2,  The Subconscious Mind
It is the supreme recorder of your activities, beliefs, memories of events, people, places and even smell and taste. It is a store house beyond our comprehension because it carries the soul’s beliefs over all the births.

Your subconscious mind can make you do many things which your conscious mind believes it cannot with which you have come into an agreement.

This is what I call mental conflict.

Instruct your subcon to identify such conflicts and erase them fully from it. It would simply obey you without question.

How to do this?
Affirmations are the only way to get this done. Write out affirmations and read them several times a day with conviction.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Things might happen that we don't think about.

How unexpected things might happen?

Yesterday, I was watching a very old Tamil movie 'Bale Pandiya' (பலே பாண்டியா). The hero of the movie would be reported dead. The widow's friend would try to pacify the grief stricken woman by saying that she did not believe him to be dead and he would surely walk in one day alive.

However, the widow would say this: "All that we think won't happen, don't you know".

Her friend would give a fitting reply, "Then, things might happen that we don't think about-right?"

The grieving woman would instantly realize the logic behind it and brighten up.

For the benefit of Tamil readers, I translate the conversation below:
"நாம் நினைப்பதெல்லாம் நடந்துவிடாது என்பது தெரியாதா?"
"அப்படியென்றால், நாம் நினைக்காததெல்லாம் நடக்கலாம், இல்லையா?" 

I don't know who wrote the dialog but he surely knew what he was saying. He must have firmly believed in MIRACLES.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Thought Field Therapy is a self healing method.

Thought Field Therapy (TFT) would work if you believe that when we think, there are certain changes in our body's physiological system. If you don't believe in this very fundamental science, then, you are likely to align yourself with several skeptics who criticize TFT and its inventor Roger Callahan.

Accupuncture and Thought Field Therapy.

One would find some similarities between Acupuncture and Thought Field Therapy as both methods recognize certain points in our body which when tapped would rectify the imbalance which is the prime cause for ailments.

Can you eliminate Phobias by TFT?
I know what you are thinking now. Don't assume that TFT is a cure only for mental imbalances such as panic, anxiety and depression though there are several cases healing of phobias by employing though field therapy.

Human being's most cherished gift is the ability to think but unfortunately, it is also our curse. For example we all want to do away with certain thoughts that don't give us pleasure. However, in the process of eliminating them, we have to think of them again.

Using TFT, we can eliminate such negative thoughts without thinking of them.

Is there a connection between Chakra energy and TFT?
Undoubtedly yes.

If you want to know more about all the self healing methods developed by Roger Callahan, click on the banner below.
Learn Thought Field Therapy Live

Friday, July 06, 2012

Free MP3 meditation available for multiple benefits.

At the outset, I would like to clear a misconception that the purpose of meditation is to renounce the worldly pleasures. On the contrary, spirituality and materialism actually coexist. There is scientific proof that it is our mental attitude which alone is responsible for our present life style; it only decides what to attract and to what extent.

To put it simply, we all can meditate to achieve a specific goal. Our goals and desires vary on a day to day basis. Similarly, it varies from person to person.
Though meditation is carried out in silence, there are Meditation Talks and Music - Free MP3s available for all sorts of persons and for achieving different purposes.

Some of the benefits and purposes for which people meditate:

·         To calm our mind
·         To increase concentration and focus
·         To get rid of certain mental and physical maladies
·         Career advancements
·         Better martial relationship
·         To motivate self
·         To attract wealth
·         For spiritual awakening

Meditation does not come easily to majority of us. If we have the time and resources to get personal training on meditation from an accredited master, we can learn to meditate in about 3 months. 

Alternatively, by listening to certain frequencies of sound, it is possible to meditate. This method of sound meditation is effective for those who find it difficult to meditate in the traditional method.

I have listened to several music Cds which helped me to uplift my sullen mood and thus calm my doubtful mind. I remember vividly one particular music bit titled, “Dancing with Waves” of Zazen series of sound meditation. Listen to it online free.

Try it now and you find yourself in a state of mental bliss in a few minutes.

Note: Please ensure you are alone and use stereo headphone set.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Manifestation’ techniques that just aren’t GOOD ENOUGH.

 The freely available cosmic forces that beg us to use them:
We are all under assumption that research and development is focused only on gadgets, communication avenues, health and space. There is a silent research going on using cosmic energies to enhance our life style. Probably, this is the only field where we don't have to spend any money and still can improve our living.

*There is no medicines to take leading to harmful side effects.
*There is nothing to spend days to learn anything new.
*There is no back bending exercices
*No meditation
*No special prayers

There is a silent force that is available to all of us and in abundance. We just need to know what exactly this cosmic force can do for us and how to tap it to get whatever we need.

Some of the existing manifestation techniques are improved upon due to research in the behaviour of our brain. Fine tuning the way we think with the help of new tools is the only way to increase the power of law of attraction.

Though positive thinking is the most stressed upon aspect for attracting your desires, we still have not the capacity to try it with sincere effort.

The time has come now for us to discover the BEST possible tool for manifesting what you want in your life.

Would you like to view a short video of Positive Thinking movie?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Digital drug that keeps you in good mood.

Even a 4 year old kid says it is not in the best of moods. Therefore, from that stage onwards till we lose consciousness just before death, we are gripped by different moods. Yes, we let external forces and conditions to spoil our state of mind.

To change the kids' mood, we divert their attention with toys, candies and pictures. The last mentioned is a sort of digital drug.

Similarly, for grown up people, there are several digital drugs in the form music, pictures and books to bring back their pleasant and friendly mental state.

There is a proven science behind this concept of digital mood enhancers.As we let our emotions to desert us by the influence of external conditions, our brain wave logs onto a different frequency which can be brought back to its true self with the aid digital brainwave entertainment.

Brainwave changers are developed by highly accredited sound engineers; we never have to be afraid of any side ffects.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Online hypnosis training courses.

Hypnosis swinging watch.
Hypnosis! A very intriguing,mental health healing method that has been in practice since several centuries. I wonder who taught Hypnosis to those early practitioners.

However, the Internet offers the facility to learn hypnosis online! I thought hypnosis is better taught in person. After all, hypnosis is all about person to person interaction and it in fact requires intense communication.

A couple of days ago, I saw a directory listing application from http://www.hypnosistrainingcourse.net titled "Online Hypnosis training course".

I approved the application after reviewing the site. It is actually a review site of various online hypnosis training courses. The reviews were by the admin of the web site.

Hypnosis cures anxiety and depression
I have read positive feedback in newspapers and magazines that they were relieved of their anxiety and depression after a few hypnotic session.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Instant healing through YUEN method.

YUEN method of healing yourself instantly is new to me. I have experienced instant (almost) healing of physical ailments simply handing over the issue to God and he takes of the rest.

I am a Reiki master but it did not work for me. I have faith in God's abilities to cure me than mine.

YUEN method: 
Well, brace yourself. Yuen method is basically a non-touch method that involves applied Kinesthetics  and quantum physics with which the imbalances of energy in your body is identified and correct them.

These kinds of energy healing generally won't yield permanent solutions. We as human beings would quickly forget the lessons learnt and would given to provocations.

I think a live demonstration of Yuen method healing can fill you up your curiosity.

Friday, June 08, 2012

The simplest law of universe that gets you what you want.

 I should have rather said, "whatever you want than what you want".

This blog post is not based on something that I have read or heard. I am citing my real life experience.

By nature, I never really bothered if I get what I want but that doesn't mean I have no desires. I am a pretty ordinary woman like you with hundreds of silly desires but somehow I found out that they are related to my long term wishes.

I got everything I wanted ever since I married.

* I wanted to excel in Mathematics; I did.
* I wanted to study and earn a few degrees; I hold M.Sc, M.Ed, M.Phil degrees.
* I wanted to teach; I do.
* I wanted a business minded husband; I have.
* I wanted a huge house; I have.
* I wanted a son; I have.
 * I wanted to sleep a lot; I do.
* I wanted to work from home; I work from home now.
* I wanted to go to Himalayas; I went.

No miracle, no prayers, no special meditation made all these possible.

You ask, "THEN HOW?"
Please know that I am not bragging. I sincerely want to share with you the one natural law of Universe.

 " When you want something, but can live by without having it, you have upped the odds of having it". 

This rule works for all dear; no exceptions!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why you are not manifesting through law of attraction?

Law of attraction or any other manifesting methods won't work just by reading e-books. They mostly lack full information and vital clues.

Law of attraction is all about focusing on your desires and practice to bring about a particular mental state where your conscious and subconscious mind
are facing each other at the same time. I mean, both should conform to each other when it comes to manifesting your wish.

We all enter into this state without really knowing we are there. It is at such times, everything seem to work for us mysteriously though there is no mystery.

It is just that you were at total peace and entered the state of super-consciousness which is also called 'raised consciousness'.

Music and meditation are excellent media to enter into super-consciousness. Some people say it is brainwave synchronization. It scares me as it sounds too technical.

I am sure meditation would help anyone to practice super-conscious state. I is long lasting than to listen to alpha or beta or gamma frequency music that forces one to lapse into raised conscious state temporarily.

Monday, May 28, 2012

When prayer works?

The method of praying is as diverse as the inhabitants of this Earth though it is believed by several religions that there is only one God.Nevertheless, there are various ways of prayers.

Prayers are answered always but it doesn't seem so to majority of us-right? The results of prayers are not visible always.

Prayers work when the praying person has unshakable faith that God immediately answers. However, if there is an iota of doubt, if we mentally don't accept that we may not get what we asked for, it is then that prayer doesn't work.

In every religion, God promises to be on your side whenever you want him.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Why Regency Beauty School is accredited by NACCAS?

It is during this time of every year, I come to know various vocational education options as I normally conduct a seminar for my students and their parents. As usual, I prepared my list of options and the top in my list is Regency Beauty.

I have witnessed fantastic growth in the demand for cosmetologists all over the world and India is opening up in grand way by recruiting world’s best beauticians who are invariably from Regency Beauty Institute, recognized and sought after throughout the United States.

In addition, Regency Beauty School is accredited by National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences (NACCAS). This speaks highly of the quality of education and the in-campus infrastructure of Regency Beauty.

I had added some more campuses of Regency as they continue to expand in the U.S.

This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit Blogitive.com or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 3583 Alpine Avenue NW – Walker, MI 49544

Next in my list of vocational education options is….

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Understanding the magnet that you are.

Understanding the magnet that you are is not in the grasp of majority of the people though it is very simple to understand. If only it believed and taught in early school levels, the attitude of all of us would make the earth worthy of living.

My previous blog post titled, "Who is the real sculptor..." received a comment from another blogger who blogs about psychic readings. Curious to know about his topics, I visited his blog located at http://ascended98.blogspot.in/

Ah, another Indian blogger who has similar interests on subjects that include law of attraction, psychic readings, interpretation of moon signs and has a great collection of spiritual articles written by online psychic Sircheo.

Hmmm... I have not heard of him before. (it is my ignorance of course)

Though the content of the Blogger from India have caught my attention from various other sites, I am happy that these life mysteries are favorite of him.

(Image via http://inklines.blogspot.in/2011/07/you-are-magnet-and-i-am-steel.html)

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Who is the real sculptor of your life?


Let us see how!

We all keep saying certain words or sentences to ourselves repeatedly, several times a day and for several years. If you take notice of it, you would realize (shockingly though) that they are all (well almost) negative in nature.
For examples, it might pertain to negative outcome of an expected event or it would be negative confession that you are not qualified to participate and others would easily beat you and so on.

This is what they call ‘Affirmations’ and we are engraving our subconscious mind to perform according to our affirmations.

If only we learn to convert these saying (affirmations) to positive results and expectation, our life would be of eternal bliss. We have the power of to live like a king or manifest our wildest dreams by learning to affirm scientifically.
Yes, there are certain ways and rules to practice affirmations.

Affirmations once properly uttered become beliefs. We have already formed all our beliefs about health, fear, wealth and poverty though unconsciously affirming negative things.

Even though we engraved our subconscious mind (the real sculptor our life) with negative affirmations, we can erase them and reaffirm it with positive things; after all we are the author of our beliefs-right?

The actual purpose of affirming positive words is to release the negative feelings such as fear, apprehension and worry and to feel better. However, for the affirmations to work you must not only say something which makes you feel better but you have to virtually feel the words.

Here are a few popular affirmations:
•    I am healthy all around
•    I am loved
•    I am peaceful
•    I have money that I give out joyously

Go for it, learn affirmations scientifically.

Please take time to view this beautiful video clip on affirmations: