Showing posts with label power of thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label power of thoughts. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tap the most potent force in the universe.

Is there any doubt that thoughts are the most potent universal force for the mankind? None whatsoever is more powerful than our thoughts.

Thoughts can create and destroy nations, plants, animals and environment. Thoughts can be used to create anything, even another universe-the type we all want to inhabit-happy faces, calm, peace, green, wealth and health are the natural features of this new universe that the opposite of them have no room in it.

Today, I have downloaded yet another free e-book on the power of thoughts. I just started reading it but before I could finish, I had this urge to share it with you. The moment you start reading it, you will understand my enthusiasm.

Go here please to download it for free.

Monday, May 05, 2008

The warehouse of thoughts.

Sometime back (I don't remember when), I stored an article on the power of thoughts in my desk top. It has been lying there unnoticed till now. It now beckoned me to read it and here I am writing a blog post based on it.

Have we ever wondered where were the thoughts before they entered our head? And what happens to them once they leave our mind?

Every thought that comes into our head comes from the warehouse of all thoughts- the universal mind. When we are done with a thought it goes back out to the universal mind that is the storage and distribution center of every thought that exists.

So, what does this theory imply?

Every thought that has ever been thought is available to you. When you think up an original thought, it is actually a thought already in existence that you have put your unique perspective on. That thought leaves your arena of thinking and joins the data bank of all thought, the universal mind.

How do we use them productively?
That is very simple really; just pay attention on thoughts that give us a joyful emotion. That is enough to manifest them in our life experience.

Just think about this ability that we possess and use daily.

Do you appreciate this amazing resource you tap into during almost every waking moment of your life? Are you conscious of this storehouse of knowledge that you can access on a moment's notice? And here's the great part of this equation. This ability you possess requires no effort on your part to manifest it.

But you must be conscious of what you are thinking. Otherwise, the 60,000 thoughts that come into our head daily gets no attention and disintegrate and also pollute the warehouse of thoughts. And they again enter the heads of others-the unconscious thinkers called sleep walker.

Do you realize your responsibility now? Yes, you and I play a big role in the shaping up of the planet earth.

Do you know that some of the thoughts that come to us have passed through people like Hitler, Genghis Kahn and Mussolini, as well as Einstein, Jesus and Plato.

Image courtesy: Google Images

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Stop thinking.

Mankind's most dangerous affliction is the ability to think.

I am mean it buddy. If you spend just a few seconds to watch or listen to the mental noise coming from you, you will be baffled at this incessant rush of thoughts which are invariably focused on absolutely irrelevant past or on distant future.

If you care to analyze your thoughts, you will be ashamed at the amount catastrophic nature of them. You will hardly think on good feeling thoughts. Even if you start thinking on positive thoughts, as you linger, you will tend to be practical and start introducing unfavorable outcome and divert your thoughts on how to overcome those undesirable outcome.

Rather, I should say you will start rehearse failure.

I have put in to practice saying aloud the word, "STOP" whenever my thoughts wander on without any purpose. I am still saying "STOP" hundred times a day but it was in thousands one year before.

Now I think only to deal with the present moment and I am able to switch off thinking at least for a few minutes.

Try it and you will realize how difficult it is and you will also realize how easy and pleasant your life is, once you are able to stop thinking just for a few seconds in the beginning.

I guarantee miracles will happen in your life.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Who is in the heaven?

Definitely your prayers are answered. But you should remember that the answer is by your own thoughts and deeds.

Don't imagine that there is a man sitting high above us in the heaven, maintains and operate a computer of a size that the scientists on earth have not yet conceptualized, maintains a database of every living and non living beings in the planet earth and probably in other planets too, record every happenings, events and thoughts of all and execute a command in answer to our prayers, thoughts, deeds, moans, grudges, griefs and desires.

He has set in a giant perpetual wheel in motion that is driven by energies that we can't physically measure. These energies are emitted by every living and non living beings in this planet. But changes in human lives whether it is positive or negative and thereby in the planet earth also, are caused by mankind's thoughts alone which is nothing put the pure energy that drives the world or to be exact, that moves the perpetual wheel set in motion.

I am not an atheist. I have very strong faith in God but this is my faith-the faith in thought energy.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

You are destined to become wealthy.

If you don't believe that you are destined to be wealthy and prosperous, then you will never become one.

First answer this question frankly:
" Do you want to become wealthy or not?"

I take 'yes' as your answer-ok? Then you must believe that you are created in this world to become what you want to be. If you don't believe in it, then how you expect to become what you want to be? Don't you think you are resisting the flow of wealth by your disbelief?

View this in another angle:
You want to become rich. But you don't believe that you will become rich because of your present conditions. So, where will your focus be? Obviously on your present conditions. So, what will happen? In other words, what are you attracting? More of present conditions.

But, if you truly believe that you will get rich one day in spite of your present conditions, what will be your imagination? Where will be your thoughts always? You will naturally start spending virtually all the money you are going to have as per your long standing desires.

Now, you are attracting cosmic energy to flow through you. Your thoughts are expanding and manifesting.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Free tutorial on thought control.

I think I have learnt the art of monitoring my thoughts to some extant. I know I have long way to go but I am learning daily.

I am helped by various books on how to control the thoughts and turn them to attract the desires.
I can nae quite a few authors that includes Christopher Westra, Laurie Benner, Wayne Dyer and Napoleon Hill.

Here is one more e-book that is offered free of cost. You go to to download this e-book or simply click here.

It is written by Swami Sivananda and it tells you how to control your mind, enhance your concentration, focus your thoughts and direct it the way you want. says, "Students, grown-ups, doctors, lawyers, businessmen, seekers of Truth and lovers of God—all can find in the pages of this book plenty of specific guidance for thought-culture and thought power and for living a positive, dynamic, rich, triumphant and joyous life. It is useful for self-culture, self-knowledge, acquisition of the power of personality and success in life".

Monday, August 06, 2007

Your thoughts are not private.

If you believe that your thoughts are exclusive yours, then you are in a big illusion.

Once, a thought emanates from your mind, it is no longer yours and becomes public. It embeds itself in the universal collective mind where it is surely picked by others who are invariably vibrating at a frequency matching yours.

This is science and pure science based on the quantum theory where everything in this universe is nothing but pure invisible energy. And we know that energy in any variation is available to all.

Once, our thoughts join the universal mind, it remains there forever and that is why it said that we pass on our thoughts for generations to come. That is how we can still pick up the thoughts of Einstein, Socrates or any one's we admire, provided we want to pick their thought energies.

OK, how do we pick up then?
Wayne Dyer says, "one doesn't dwell upon this process nor one struggles to get the answers but one trust this process to higher creative thoughts."

This means, you must first want to pick the thought energies of Socrates and then just let go and let God.

Ponder over this and comment if you want to.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The story of Myrtle Fillmore.

Immediate after I wrote my previous post on the power of gratitude, I stumbled upon a website Daily Gratitude.

The website quotes on of my favorite author 'Joe Vitale' and his book "The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History". I have not yet read this book but I read his spiritual marketing book. That book is considered as a sort of bible for every internet marketer.

Ok, let me come back to Fillmore who was told that she has got just 6 months to live. Joe Vitale narrates her story in his book and explains how she healed herself by using the power of gratitude.

She was inspired by these words she heard a lecture on healtth. "You are a child of God, and you do not inherit illness!"

I just read the full story here.

If you are interested in learning the full power of gratitude, offers a free ebook on it.