Monday, March 09, 2009

What to do with anointing oil?

Religiously, I use the usual products that enhance the mood to feel the Divine. Flowers, incense sticks, wick lamps and occasionally scented candles too make my list of preferred items while performing the morning prayer that we call 'pooja'.

I mostly stand and but my husband sits in a plastic chair; we don't use any anointing oil or faux crystals. A foreigner visited our house last month. After seeing her devotion to our religion, he gifted my husband a bottlt that is shaped of cross.

It contained Frankincense & Myrrh anointing oil and had a nice fragrance. We didn't know what to do with it.
Last week, I came across a blog post citing a similar incident and the recipient of the gift gave it away to the local church.

Can I also do the same?
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