Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The story of Myrtle Fillmore.

Immediate after I wrote my previous post on the power of gratitude, I stumbled upon a website Daily Gratitude.

The website quotes on of my favorite author 'Joe Vitale' and his book "The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History". I have not yet read this book but I read his spiritual marketing book. That book is considered as a sort of bible for every internet marketer.

Ok, let me come back to Fillmore who was told that she has got just 6 months to live. Joe Vitale narrates her story in his book and explains how she healed herself by using the power of gratitude.

She was inspired by these words she heard a lecture on healtth. "You are a child of God, and you do not inherit illness!"

I just read the full story here.

If you are interested in learning the full power of gratitude, offers a free ebook on it.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Dr Joe Vitale did the Foreword to my book "The Titus Concept Money For My Best and Highest Good", he is a great person and teacher.

Al Diaz