Thursday, December 09, 2010

Want to learn practical intuition?

Intuition-mankind's greatest gift given by our creator but is unfortunately sparingly used or totally unused due to our utter ignorance about it.

Intuition aka hunch or the inner voice that constantly pecks to do this, not to do that etc. We all recognize the word conscience but we deliberately ignore the voice of conscience which is the Intuition.

I know of a writer named Laura Day who has written the groundbreaking e-book titled Practical Intuition. In this e-book, Laura Day has ecxplained elaborately how to harness the power of intuition in practical ways.

Don't ask, what intuition can do for you? It can truly transform your life positively if only you listen to your instincts and act strictly accordingly. The power of intuition cannot be put into words. You must practice it to know the true value of intuition.

I found it difficult to read Laura Day's book about Practical Intuition. I must convert it (PDF) into a word doc to read it.

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