Friday, October 08, 2010

Is DePuy hip replacement lawsuit expensive?

I shamelessly blamed myself for not being to help a bunch of survivors of a train accident. I felt like this whenever my finances or my presence did not allow me to redress the trauma of accident victims.

A month ago, I received an email from a stranger whose hip was seriously damaged during a rock climbing adventure. He sought financial help for the DePuy Hip Replacement lawsuit he was contemplating to initiate.

His email narrated that he had undergone a DePuy hip implant immediately after the accident and all was well for a short period before he felt severe discomfort while moving.

When consulted with doctors, they disclosed the sad news that the hip implant is not working and that he had to undergo another surgery. He was devastated by the news and worried over the additional expenses.

Then someone suggested to him that he could take up the matter with O’Hanlon, McCollum & Demerath- a team of highly experienced personal injury attorneys who would file a liability claims lawsuit on behalf of him.

He was actually seeking financial assistance to fight a legal battle. Again, I failed to suppress the guilt of my inability to help.

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