Friday, October 05, 2007

Never expect something you don't desire.

"You cannot exercise much power without gratitude, for it is gratitude that keeps you connected with Power." -Wallace Wattles

Wallace Wattles is the author of “Science of getting rich”.

Shall we examine why he laid that much emphasis on the power of gratitude?

As per, the answer is simple - "The principle of cause and effect".

Though we mutter thanks several times a day, do we really mean it or do we say that out of habit?

But we know when we really mean it, when we say ‘Thank you very much”, at times we receive something which would not have been possible by our own effort. It will come from our heart with the full meaning of gratitude.

“Ungratefulness pushes thing away. When we get something and our reaction is that it's not big enough, good enough, pretty enough, or valuable enough, the supply will shut down”

When do we fail to feel gratitude; whenever we feel that something that is done for us is not all that important-right? So where is focus then; on that which is missing.

What happens at such a situation? We attract that ‘missing’ more there by shutting out the best.

The more we express gratitude, the more we expect to have things to be grateful for.

Raymond Holliwell said, "Never expect something you don't desire, and never desire something you don't expect."

With deep gratitude to:

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