Friday, April 27, 2007

Alternate Medicines for all of us.

On a very hot afternoon, I just returned from Maths coaching center when my husband informed me of a trip to Goa next month.

I asked him what made him choose Goa and he said he wanted to meet Dr. Jayashree Joshi.

Over the years, she developed a liking for alternative medicines which is rare trait for allopathy doctors. Generally, allopathy doctors shun away from any other types of medicines.

Dr. Jayashree,
a practicing paediatrician of repute lives in Goa. She is actually doing a service to the poor children in remote places of Goa. She read Ayurveda, study Vedic astrology and practice Yoga. She says in her website that "The triumvirate of Ayurveda-Yoga-Astrology has given me a deep insight into the invisible forces that govern us"

She just launched blog about alternative therapies.

Impressed by her vision and care for the poor, my husband wanted to meet her and we will be on our way next month to Goa.

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