Wednesday, December 02, 2009

What are you thankful for?

Time and again, I have blogged about the power of feeling grateful for as many things as possible and how gratitude can bring you the very things that you feel grateful for.

As I have told, the cosmic forces will shower on you the things,people, circumstances, places that you sincerely appreciate and say thanks for bringing them into your life experience.

If you are like that way, isn't it wonderful to meet like minded persons online to share your thoughts and experiences?

Go toThankfulFor – register and answer this one question: “What are you thankful for?” You can post small personal thanks, share it to the community, and then read what others are thankful for today.

Today I thank Flickr and Zemanta for showing me the picture of this rare colored flower.

30 Days of Gratitude- Day 1Image by aussiegall via Flickr

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Anonymous said...

We are in the same venture nowadays. I'm trying to incorporate the law of attraction in my life for my own personal enhancement and self development. It's really working quite well as of now and I'm more confident to face life than before. Thanks and good luck.

Laurie Brenner said...

Rangan -- I was thinking about you on the way to work today -- I just wanted to stop by and say hello!

I am thankful for you my friend.

Blessings this holiday season. I don't know if you celebrate -- but it is the Winter Solstice coming up and that's something to enjoy!

Blessings friend.

Changing Planes - a metaphysical fiction

Rangan Badri said...

Wow Laurie, how nice it is to know that you thought of me. I do the same very often. May be my thoughts entered you.
Wishes and wishes Laurie.