I am pleased to introduce you a new of idea to increase visitors to your website or blog.
CategoryClicks are text banners that drive clicks to your website. CategoryClicks is a Click Exchange. When someone clicks on one of your CategoryClicks text displays, we credit your account with 1/2 click. So, if in one day, 100 people clicked on your CategoryClicks display, your site would receive 50 visitors back from clicks on other sites. The traffic you receive is targeted to a category of your choosing.
For each click that takes place at your site, your categoryclicks account gets credited so you get clicks in return. Plus, if people join CategoryClicks through your link, you get even more clicks. Their automatic affiliate program earns you an extra 10% of all your referral clicks.
Just place their code on your site to display a banner. You can fully customize your display for size, colors, fonts, borders and backgrounds. There is 4 different ad sizes, 468x60 banner, 250x125 box, 728x90 header, and a 120x600 skyscraper.
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