Friday, April 18, 2008

From a Heart powered consciousness.

The idea of communication purely the consciousness power only by our heart is revolutionary and the consequences are mind boggling.

Ever since, our mind took over our heart thereby completely clouding the heart energy, we are leading our life run through our mind. One could more aptly say that the mind is leading our life and not we lead a life.

Ok, what would be like communication through heart powered consciousness?

Do you know that here is an aboriginal tribe deep in the Amazon jungle called the Kogi who "spoke" telepathically through little sounds from the Heart and not of the mind, and created images inside your head, and you could "see" what the other person was communicating?

I would recommend you to read
this blog

Thank you Al Diaz!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

How to communicate with God?

Before you want to know how to communicate with God, you need to tell me what is your idea of God!

If by chance you have an idea of dual power God, one the does good and one that punishes for bad deeds, then you need not read this article.

But if you strongly believe that God is good and so, all that he created is also good, then we are on the same vibrational frequency and you will understand what I am saying.

Have you ever heard God speak to his children through a megaphone that is connected with cone speakers hoisted on poles on the road side at regular intervals?

No! Ok, then you understand that God will not speak like humans but still communicate with us.
So, how does he do?

He communicates with us through silence. Because he is silent, that is the only language he knows. And to hear or feel his communication, we should also be silent. Not only we remain silent by shutting our mouth but we should also shut down our mind from making that incessant noise.

If we remain still mentally and physically, then, we are said to be in the receiving mode of God's power.

This is the only way we can communicate with God. No exceptions!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Stop thinking.

Mankind's most dangerous affliction is the ability to think.

I am mean it buddy. If you spend just a few seconds to watch or listen to the mental noise coming from you, you will be baffled at this incessant rush of thoughts which are invariably focused on absolutely irrelevant past or on distant future.

If you care to analyze your thoughts, you will be ashamed at the amount catastrophic nature of them. You will hardly think on good feeling thoughts. Even if you start thinking on positive thoughts, as you linger, you will tend to be practical and start introducing unfavorable outcome and divert your thoughts on how to overcome those undesirable outcome.

Rather, I should say you will start rehearse failure.

I have put in to practice saying aloud the word, "STOP" whenever my thoughts wander on without any purpose. I am still saying "STOP" hundred times a day but it was in thousands one year before.

Now I think only to deal with the present moment and I am able to switch off thinking at least for a few minutes.

Try it and you will realize how difficult it is and you will also realize how easy and pleasant your life is, once you are able to stop thinking just for a few seconds in the beginning.

I guarantee miracles will happen in your life.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Bullion coins form Monex.

eBay is not my regular online shopping site. Even though I have been repeatedly recommended to make it my default online shop, I never had the inclination to switch my loyalties.

I know I am a bit closed minded but I don’t like to take risk when I am dealing with my hard earned money. Though I am not a frequent online shopper, I do buy precious metals online and that too, only from Monex.

I don’t think I have to elaborate much on Monex as I have written about their trust worthiness and dependability as the most experienced precious metals dealer in the U.S., several times before.

Why should I switch my allegiance to another for the sake of saving a couple of dollars when buying a couple of us gold coins? Isn’t that too risky?

Through Monex Deposit Company (MDC) you can purchase silver, gold or other precious metals and coins for immediate personal delivery or arrange for convenient and safe storage at an independent bank or depository.

Image courtesy:

Friday, April 11, 2008

Use psychokinesis to manifest your desires.

Just wait for a couple of minutes before getting to know about Psychokinesis.

Those who believe in God have been trying to communicating with God to the best of their abilities. From reading books, listening to discourses, we adapt several ways (path) to communicate with God.

Of late, I find it very easy to communicate with my Lord Narayana. This came about realizing exactly who am I.

Ok, now is the time to talk about psychokinesis because I feel this is also another way for divine communication.

"Psychokinesis (PK) is a distinct cosmic energetic phenomenon that is available for anybody to utilize, for directly benefiting your life like never before. PK is undeniably a valid phenomenon that can benefit Human Life, if we only learn how to control it! "

Today, I received an email from Western Guru, Lord Gita Sudarshanananda, the founder of SKBYI. Without going over the details of he email, I take this opportunity to tell you the power of receiving cosmic forces that surrounds this universe.

Saving you time by looking up in Wikipedia about psychokinesis, here is an excerpt.
"Psychokinesis gives us the ability of the mind to influence matter, time, space, or energy by means outside the currently known laws of physics.

It has been called the most powerful of psychic powers, essentially the power of a god. The existence of such powers has never been documented in a rigorous scientific setting. The study of phenomena said to be psychokinetic is an aspect of parapsychology."

Pay a visit to Guru Gita Sudarshanananda today.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The only mind tool you require.

Of the several posts in this blog, I wrote many times about the steps to be taken to manifest whatever you desire. There has to be a fundamental belief on this greatest inspiring sentence: “Ask and it is given”.

Once you develop unshakable faith in this basic law of universe, your next step is to ask openly whatever you desire for the highest good of you and to the mankind.

The moment you ask, it is heard by the cosmic forces and granted immediately. No exceptions to this.

The next step is you must prepare yourself to be in the receiving mode. Yes, this is very important. The fastest way to bring anything from the unseen world into the physical world is through the study of Universal Laws.

I know you will report that you have been trying to be in the receiving mode but nothing happened after that. At this point, we generally start losing our faith.

To nurture your faith, your subconscious mind needs to be programmed with affirmations. It can be manually done by all of us.

There is also this wonderful mind tool that will take the responsibility of programming your subconscious mind with affirmations that will make it to believe that whatever you ask will be given.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Become like a lake.

At the first sight of a lake, what appeals to you?
Its vastness?
Its picturesque surroundings?
The cool atmosphere?
The aquatic birds?

Yes, I agree these are all evident. All eyes can see them and appreciate and even take several photographs of the lake and its surroundings. We may even look out for a cool boat ride.

Apart from all these visible things, have you noticed its calmness? In spite of everything that is going around it, it remains calm. It will even convey the speed of breeze on it by those gentle waves and ripples.

But deep down, the lake is calm and displaying its true nature.

We all should be like it. Deep inside, we should always be in touch with the natural calm that we all are born with.

Image courtesy: Optical Illusions.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Free angel card reading.

Do you know that we are all born with at least one angel to guide us in our life? Some are born with two spirit guides (Angel guides).

These angels have taken up the responsibility to be with us throughout our physical life experience. The astral world is filled with these guide angels.

Voice of the Angels is a website with terrific resources to cleanse our soul. There are tools to soothe the soul, release your stress, dissolve and transform whatever it is that blocks your path, and you will find help for getting where you need to go.

I believe that our angel guides speak to us at every moment of our life, through inner voice, hunches, intuitions and indicators. But we should be fine tuned to make use of them. Else, we will always be guided by our mind which has its own limitations.

I quote from Voice of the Angels:
"One of the tools you will find here is Voice of the Angels - A Healing Journey Spiritual Cards. You will find these cards uncannily accurate in answering your questions. The cards were hand illustrated and originally made with crystals and other natural elements. Each card has a message from the angels."

This web site offers a free angel card reading. I tested a reading and it was amazing and reassuring.

How Psychic mediums work?

Of all the living creatures in this planet, man kind is the only one that is forever longing to know what is in store for them in future.

To meet this end, there are myriad ways that includes palm reading, astrology based on planetary movements depending on the horoscope generated at the time of birth, reading ancient palm leaves, speaking with their dead ancestors' spirit through psychic mediums and more.

Probably India has more methods to follow to know the future.

Psychic mediums who are psychologically fine tuned to read the mind of the living can also invoke the spirits of the deceased and speak with them.

There two main methods that are employed by psychic mediums to interact with the spirit.
Read about them here.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Quantum Mind Power with TMM brainwave entrainment.

I have received an truly inspiring email from my friend Song Chengxiang. He told me of an new breakthrough technology--The Morry Method, which I think you will be very interested in.

(Here's the the e-mail I got from Song)

Morry, the certified brainwave entrainmentengineer is the
only one on the internet

to design this program.
He was personally taught and
trained by the world's best.

The guys he learned from don't
make "success" programs with
their knowledge.

They're older guys you'd find
on university campuses entrenched
in their work.

This program realigns your
brainwave patterns to mimic
achievers patterns.

You lay back, listen, and envision.
Then it happens. It's almost magical!

So much so, you'll wonder where
success has been all along. And, why

you haven't had it since now.
Because everything will just get
easier-and the money,

if that's what you want, will get

Better still, if this program doesn't work (which scientifically speaking,isn't possible), then you'll get your money back.

Visit here to know more.
Quantum Mind Power.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Learn deliberate creation.

Is it necessary for me to explain what is 'Deliberate Creation'? The name itself is suggestive-isn't it?

A very simple example:
It is 7.00 AM in the morning. You are a single man. You don't cook your own food, you eat out.
You are ready to manage with cold milk and cereals for the breakfast. But today, you are not in a mood to go out and eat your lunch.

There are only two options:
Someone should come to your home and cook for you.
Someone should bring food to you.

Here, you are not required to make a choice. You just wish to eat in your house without you do the cooking.

Now the art of deliberate creation starts taking place. The cosmic force felt your desire clearly and started orchestrating; it moves people; it urges them to walk in your direction. Finally, your wish is fulfilled.

You are not at all stunned if you are used to deliberate creation. Deliberate Creators don't ask 'How'.But for those who are going to try it for the first time, some guidance is required.

If you want to form your life's incidents, if you want to predict your life exactly, you should learn the art of Deliberate Creation.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Virtual based voice services.

Two weeks ago, my husband received a couple from London. They are his online business contacts. They came to see India and also wanted to outsource a call center from India.

They both were obviously well conversant with the brilliance of Indian IT industry and they openly appreciated the hard working IT people.

My husband took them to one of the leading BPO concerns in Madras and introduced them to a top executive there. When he showed them around, the Londoners were keen on knowing about the cost of running a call center.

The executive of the BPO explained to them about the advantages of VoIP Phone Systems and how it vastly reduced their capital expenditures that come from buying and maintaining traditional PBX phone systems as well as the service contracts or labor charges.

It seemed they were aware of the various features of Internet telephony such as plug & play VoIP phones that work anywhere in the world and click to dial contacts etc.

Nimbus VoIP phone systems give businesses complete and total control over their phones & features.

On the spot, they negotiated a contract and thanked my husband with a nice watch before leaving.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Do you require tools for meditation?

My first answer to this question is a definite 'NO'.

The purpose of meditation is to focus inward. Why do you a require a tool for that? All you need to do is sit in a quite place, turn off your telephone, inform the members of your house not to disturb you for the next fifteen minutes, sit comfortably and close your eyes.

First watch your breath going in and out. Thoughts will come. Just observe the thoughts but bring your focus back on your breathing. Thoughts will slowly fade away. You are now in a meditative state. Did we use any tool in this process?

But says it provides you the tools and training to access your inner knowing, purpose and raise your calibrated level of consciousness to full enlightenment.

I think these tools might help anyone who finds it difficult to focus inward.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Remote spiritual healing.

Spiritually inclined persons will definitely believe in remote spiritual healing. Spirit is nothing but energy.

Communication between energy and energy transcends all forms.

Of late, I have personally realized that my inner body's vibration can be focussed on the infinite source energy. It is possible and I have achieved small amount of success. It requires inspired practice to see fair amount of success.

So, the claims of Energy Reality about their rapid spiritual healing methods and anyone can be healed irrespective of their location in this earth, can be trusted.

I quote them:
"Most physical and psychological dis-eases or problems can be healed in minutes when approached as energy conditions and divine grace is properly invoked. This can be over the phone or in person and the results are guaranteed".

Want to try them out?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

What are your spiritual values.

Since I started reading spiritual development books in 2005, I have started practicing what I read and what appealed to my Being. I mean, if I feel elated and happy while reading something, I will use it as an emotional guidance and whenever my spirit is made to behave in it's pure nature, I treat it as my spiritual values.

These spiritual values of mine have big list but I never made that list on paper mainly because there are so many. Yes, frankly speaking, I needed proper guidance which I have found out today while reading a blog post titled 'Determining your spiritual values' by Debra Moorehead.










Spreading Happiness
























From the above list, if I have to rank them, I will choose the first six words 'Peace, Love, Joy, Forgiveness, Compassion and Faith.

I also noticed that her blog has to be read at great length.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Memorial service in space.

-->Gene Roddenberry

Why we should be afraid of death when we won't be there when death occurs? A thought provoking remark really-isn't it?

I grew up with my grandparents-a generation of very possessive people. In spite of all their wisdom, they spent their life in miserly ways but would want their remains immersed in holy places after their. These were expensive in those days.

This, not at all reasonable wish cannot be understood. Why bother about your remains at all? This passionate attachment to the body even after the death is beyond my comprehension. Obviously, till their death, they didn't realize who they were.

Trying to woo their fancy ideas, a few companies have launched a space memorial service. They will offer to place one gram (yes, just a gram mate) of the deceased person's ash in an aluminum capsule, attach it to a rocket and spend it to space.

For this memorial service in space, they charge $995. The first person who had utilized such a service was none other than the famous Gene Roddenberry, the creator 'Star Trek'. This space service was conducted in 1997. Along with Roddenberry's ashes, the ashes of 23 other persons were scattered in space including that of a 4 year old Japanese boy.

These aluminum capsules are expected to stay in space for several thousand years before falling out like a shooting star.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Guaranteed fresh flowers from Fifty Flowers.

--->Dark Blue Iris

For success minded people, it is advised that they read about people who they consider as successful.

Here is one female that I would like to emulate. It is
Liza Roeser Atwood, founder and chief executive officer of Fifty Flowers. I happened to read an article on her and her company that sells wholesale flowers below the price of wholesale in

Her life story is very inspiring and motivating to me. She started her career in a florist shop and ended up running entire the marketing department for the largest flower grower, exporter, and importer from South America before she founded Fifty Flowers. makes it easy and affordable and sells a whole range of flowers for all occasions including premium bouquets, table arrangements, centerpieces, and wedding flower packages.

I could clearly visualize the challenges of running a successful online flowers shop where earning a good reputation alone pushes forward the company.

Fifty Flowers also send flowers to restaurants, events, hotels, personal flower arrangements, and any occasion that calls for flower arrangements.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Do you fear the lack of air?

We breathe and we are aware of it. But do breathe speedily; rather do we breathe more than medically considered normal with the fear of expected lack of air soon?

It will be sheer madness of course-right?

Every resource in this planet that is not produced by human being is available in abundance. There never is a need for fear of the resources getting depleted because there is an increase in population.

We are all afraid of the shortage-the lack, mainly because we don't consider money also as a form of energy like the air we breathe.

I am happy to have found another person in this world who has similar vibrations like me and like so many spiritually inclined persons. His name is Hemal.

'The Law of Attraction'-it works man; it is the basis of this Universe. Look how I was attracted to Hemal! We both are on same vibration frequency and it brought us together.

Look what he says in his blog 'Manifesting and Law of Attraction' about the money energy.
"Money is only a source of energy or currency; it isn't any different than anything else. We could be trading jelly beans for the things that we want instead of money. IF that were the case, the Jelly Belly factory would be the US Treasury."

A nice blog in the spirituality niche.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Meet AVERI TORRES, Malibu's Resident Psychic.

I am pleased to introduce to you AVERI TORRES, Malibu's Resident Psychic.

She has been in the news for over thirty years. Her psychic guidance attracted many Hollywood celebrities, Fortune 500 clients, U.S. Presidents and Congress men.

What can she do for you?
At ordinary conscious levels, we are all totally powerless thereby not able to control our life situations. Averi's psychic guidance empowers her clients to use their own natural psychic ability to gain control of their lives, enabling them to more successfully create love, peace, good health and prosperity.

Only yesterday, I was reading the implications of remaining in ordinary unconsciousness, a sort of mind strategy which makes us suffer from the illusions of problems. I further read that how we can overcome from clasps of this ego monster or from the clutches of our mind.

Now, I come across Averi and her psychic guidance through which she empowers those who seek her guidance.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Warning! Your anger will be picked up vibrationally.

A normally quiet person that I know of was shocked out of her wits yesterday evening when she was attacked by a total stranger.

This happened when we were waiting in the doctor's reception room. My friend was already disappointed to have kept waiting in spite of her punctuality. Yes, she had kept her time but obviously not the doctor. But then, this happens to all of us-right? It is nothing unusual.

No, I found out I was wrong only after the ugly incident when my friend was first abused by the stranger and slowly it developed into a quarrel that was about to end in physical attack when the doctor intervened to stop it all.

After I questioned my friend a bit elaborately I found out that she had accumulated quite a lot of anger since the last two over myriad matters and that culminated while she was asked to wait.

This carried over anger was picked up subliminally buy someone else with matching emotional vibration.

It is somewhat amusing that both the parties involved in the incident were totally unconscious of their accumulated negative emotion.

Had both them lived only in the present moment, the negative emotion would not have found a place at all to survive. But both were consciously re-living their past two days of incidents that cooked up all those pent up anger.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Law of Universe in action.

Hey, I have kept my word and here I am, completing my previous post.

The Universe functions on the basic premise of 'Inclusion'. It means, whatever we are focusing on, is included in our life experience. Whether you like it or not, the thing, circumstance, event on which your giving your attention will be included and come forth as a reality in your life-no exceptions to this law of universe.

This Universe is based on attraction or inclusion, not based on rejection or exclusion. Our attention to anything comes into our experience-this is law.

I am sure there are questions you would like to ask. For example, you might have met with an accident or you have just a big chunk of your money on stock market. You will ask this question, "Do you mean to say I attracted this? No one will in their right mind would pray for this".

See, I am sure you have not wished or prayed for such a tragedy but sometime in the past, but you would have given your attention on such things and held it in your thoughts long enough to manifest at a later stage.

You would have watched a live accident, or you would have read about it news papers, you might have heard of stock market losses-well these things should have been registered on your subconscious mind. It won't analyze anything as good or bad. It will just proceed to bring about whatever is registered on it.

Please read this post again and the previous post on this same title; you will begin to understand the implications of your thoughts.

My gratitude to Eckhart Tolle and Joesph Murphy who have taught me all these their books.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Law of universe in action.

When you say 'Yes' to something you like and want it in your life experience, it is immediately given to you by the universe and waiting for you to receive it. Of course to receive it, you should be eligible for it. Rather, you must allow it in your life and for that you should a matching vibration.

This is all known to all of us.

But when you say 'No' to something you don't want, can you make it not happen in your life? Do you want me to rephrase the question? Ok, here it is.

You saw someone in a predicament in a restaurant because he had lost his wallet and unable to pay his bill. You saw it and you thought how you will behave given the same situation but decided that you don't want it to happen to you.

Can this prevent it happen? Your 'No' to it-can it exclude it from your life?

Read this blog again tomorrow for the answer!mrgreen

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

How to tap the power of Chakras.

Human beings have 7 chakras on their body. These chakras are energy points. If these chakras are properly activated, there is really no limit what one can achieve. Unfortunately, these energy points remain dormant waiting for you to activate it.

Well, how to activate it? Actually, where are they located in our body?
Below is the picture that shows these energy points in our body.

Courtesy: Google Images

Reiki is the most popular and easy method to energize these chakras. Sound meditation is also a very effective method.

Color visualizing technique:
My husband is a Reiki. He explained to me once about the different colors of chakra and one way for a chakra meditation is to visualize those colors during chakra meditation.

Here is a real demo of chakra meditation in YouTube. Duration is 9 minutes.

Are you afraid?

A question was asked in a local weekly by someone to the famous spiritual guru Jakki Vasudev.
"How can I control fear?".

The wise guru said, "What is fear? Obviously you refer to something that is yet to arrive. It is your imagination about a future moment hat is not yet experienced by you. So fear is just your imagination".

Isn't that profound! I am a great admirer of Jakki Vasudev. His wisdom is amazing.

Then he continues like this:
"What do you mean by control the fear? Do you mean to straddle on it, push it hard down on the earth? If that is so, the slightest movement from you will disturb the position ans the fear wriggles out and tower over you".

Saturday, March 01, 2008

The best equipment for fire accidents.

Life has several surprises in store for us at every moment. Every other minute teaches us something. Most of the lessons are given to us in disguise. I mean adversities teach us valuable lessons.

I never thought I would come to use this 'Water Jel Blanket Canister' in my life. This extremely useful medical equipment was bought by my husband several months ago from Allegro Medical. I am sorry to say that we had to use this only a few hours ago but we are also happy that we are able to save a life.

This handy blanket is used to cover someone who met a fire accident. We all know that a burn accident is to be handled with care and knowledge. One of the quickest, easiest and most direct methods of administering emergency first aid burn care is with a Water Jel Fire blanket.

Water Jel Fire blanket consists of a scientifically formulated cooling gel and a carrier. The gel is biodegradable, bateriostatic and water soluble. The carrier is 100% worsted wool with an intercellular weaver capable of absorbing up to 13 times its own weight.

All these information and many more emergency medical supplies can be found at

Founded in 1996, and now serving more than 1 million customers, Allegro Medical is one of the largest and most technologically advanced independently owned online retailers of life enhancing products in the United States.

The law of least effort.

I take back my words. In my previous post, I wrote that I found nothing new in the blog post titled, "7 spiritual laws".

I am sorry I did not spot this Law of least effort earlier. Though the content under this headline is familiar to me, the title is very new and attractive to me. It is suggestive of it's content.

I read long back that too much effort will spoil the intention. I have fully realized it and started practicing the acceptance of the current situation or circumstance which may appear not conducive but the universe thought it differently. What seems to be good for you may not be so from the point of universe. There is a reason for every situation you are forced to face even though you don't like.

Here is an application written by the author of 7 spiritual laws.

  • ‘I will practice acceptance. Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they occur. I will know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. I will not struggle against the whole universe by struggling against this moment. My acceptance is total and complete. I accept things as they are this moment, not as I wish they were.’
  • ‘Today my awareness will remain established in Defenselessness. I will relinquish the need to defend my point of view. I will feel no need to convince or persuade others to accept my point of view. I will remain open to all points of view and not be rigidly attached to any one of them.’
Does this all make sense to you? Does it appeal to your reason?

Law of attraction worked-a proof.

As I have already written, I have so much to write about in this blog on topics of laws of universe, law of attraction, law of cause and effect and the power of gratitude etc.

After I dug a story in Digg, I searched in it for a story in law of cause and effect. I was surprised to find none on it. Can you believe this?

Just as I was about to exit the Digg, I accidentally clicked on something else there and I found myself reading the 7 spiritual laws. I believed that the law of attraction worked in this case. Don't you think so?

I was automatically guided to something whereas I was searching for it's other face. Yes, law of attraction's other face is the law of cause and effect.

Though, I didn't find anything new in the said article, I believe it may change your life for the better. Read it now and pass it on if you feel like it.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mexican vacation at Karisma hotels.

Who in their right mind will have a vacation alone leaving behind the family? I am ashamed to say that my husband will do just that. His argument is he will plan a family vacation once in two years but he will go on vacation as many times as possible every year. What a weird idea!

Ever since I have heard about the Karisma hotels and their all inclusive family vacation at the most coveted Hidden Beach Resort, where a world of sensuality and seclusion beckons, I have been trying in vain to persuade my husband to plan for a trip to Mexico. He is yet to relent.

I have read that Karisma hotel employs exclusive family planners whose duties include facilitating your family’s specific travel needs. They coordinate every detail of your trip, from arranging room assignments to making reservations for family dinners. They will even organize a variety of activities such as family pictures, sporting events, treasure hunts, and tournaments. Planners will even take it one step further to design shirts and embellished gifts with information specific to your family event.

I intend to email him the latest web release of Karisma Hotels. If there is a traveler in him, he will fall for one of Karisma’s package.

The danger of comparison.

Comparing self with others, our children with other children is known to mankind when they first noticed the lack of something in them which others had.

It can be as silly as an extra candy to as big as President of a nation. We ponder on myriad things, simply wasting time without ever realizing the damage done to self.

People are uncomfortable when other had money to go to a fine restaurant when he ate in roadside diner; people curl themselves in with envy when they are aware that their friend or relative got a better job. The list is endless.

What are all the harmful effects of comparison:
Low self esteem
Unsociable attitude
Envy leading to serious physiological side effects
A feeling of inadequacy
Constant sense of remorse

As the focus is shifted on the lack of something, the law of attraction is set in motion and the lack magnifies.

Whatever we focus on, expands.
Let this important law of universe sink in. Remember to read this law as many times as possible in a day. I am 100% sure, you will change your focus on something you want instead of something you don't want.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Are you after money?

Who doesn't need money? We all do. We pray for money to buy new gadgets, a big car, more spacious house, pay of credit card debts, renovate the house and so on and on.

You need not feel guilty for wanting all these. In fact God wants us to live a life of joy. Let us ask ourself only one question. What will be the metal state once we buy a new car or once we move into a new house that is more spacious than the previous one?

A sense of happiness and joy. So what we are really after is only a mental state of happiness. A joyous mood. So why not we pray for that state of mind directly?

Do you get what I am driving at?

Don' ask money, ask life because by the time you get the money you asked for, the price of the car or the house might have gone up. mrgreen

Regency Beauty Institute offers…

Being one of the very few woman executives in a transportation company, my relative in Austin, Texas is always complaining about the constant need to be on the move. Though she is physically fit, I suppose it takes a heavy mental toll.

Recently, she emailed me with a unique problem. The outer air is doing a lot of damages to her hair and she didn’t know whom to approach for help. I promised her that I will locate proper help in Austin itself.

Yes, I found about Regency Beauty Institute located in three places in Texas and Austin is one among them. It was founded more than 50 years ago in Minneapolis but now has grown to 30 campuses in 9 states in the U.S.

Since their students are given high tech training in all aspects of beautifying, they are in good demand in salons and cruise ships. Many students set up their own beauty salons and some even establish hair school in their area.

I told my relative to approach Regency located at East Ben White Boulevard, Austin. She could even get a discount. Yes, students provide high-quality, discounted salon services to the public under expert faculty supervision. In fact this is part of their training.

For more information, visit and contact Kim Radetzki-Brosdahl, Vice President, Marketing.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The best way to be cheerful always.

The best way to be cheerful always is by staying cheerful, thats

Hey, don't get mad at me! What I wrote above is what I practice. And let me assure you that it is paying off. Do you want to know what is meant by 'paying off'? People say that my face is glowing! And I too feel that even without looking at the mirror.

More glaring proofs:
I am sought after
My cheery mood becomes contagious and I could see the results immediately
I am working efficiently
My creativity is appreciated
I feel my spiritual guides are helping me in many ways
I do not feel any shortage
I sleep peacefully.

What more can I ask for?

Tips for staying cheerful:
* When a thought pops up, ask yourself if it concerns something of your past. Is it something you don't like to relive and relish? If so, affirm that "my past experience is no indicator to my today's living; today is another day and I see success only at the end of the day; thank you God".

* When a thought pops up, ask yourself if it concerns something about your future. If so, remind yourself that you will cope up with it when you actually face it.

Read this below and ask yourself if it makes sense to you.
* Whatever happened in the past has happened now.
*Whatever is going to happen in the future is going to happen now.

I am honestly sharing my experience with you in this blog post. I have tasted the bliss and cheer by remaining now; by being in the 'NOW'.

I thank Eckhart Tolle for this change in me that is brought about by his master piece "The Power of Now-a guide to spiritual enlightenment"

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Give peace a chance.

One of earlier posts on Lucid Dreaming titled "Don't waste your dreams" has received a valuable feedback from Dr.Joseph Bernard, PhD. Read his comments at the end of the above mentioned blog post. He is the webmaster of Peace Together and he also authors a blog called

At his website, there are several products promoting peace and the first logo I saw there, bore these words, "Give Peace a Chance". I liked it very much and made it a title for this blog post.

What a coincidence! Only yesterday, I was reading about peace in a book written by Dr. Wayne Dyer. I quote:
"Thy peace is the essence of our universe. It is God at work. There is no anger, fear, greed, malice at peace. When you are an Instrument of peace, you are not seeking anything;you become a peace provider".

The Explore Life Blog contains links to some free e-books. I downloaded one called 'Guide to Inner Peace". I am yet to read it.

My favorite outlet to buy gold.

“Who are you to disagree with World Gold Council?”-asked a novice but veteran investor when I said that I didn’t agree with the World Gold Council’s report that the gold industry’s contribution to the society in under developed countries is less understood and often misrepresented.

Why not, can’t an individual have any liberty to voice her opinion without hurting anyone? After all, it is an economic issue!

The reason for my outburst was a dispute between me and the veteran investor over the advantages of gold production to the nation over all and to the upliftment of the specific region of gold production.

Oh well, let me not bore you with international gold policies; let me stick to the advantage of investing in gold at present.

To buy gold, I believe there need not be any special occasion; one can buy gold at any time of the year irrespective of market conditions.

There are several ways to buy gold and also there are several outlets to buy gold from. My all time favorite is Monex, the number one dealer of precious metals in the U.S.

Through Monex Deposit Company (MDC) you can purchase silver, gold or other precious metals and coins for immediate personal delivery or arrange for convenient and safe storage at an independent bank or depository.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Don't waste your dreams!

Dream-man's fascination since the day he started dreaming and remembered a bit of his dream when he woke up, is still burning.

Lucid dreaming is about recognizing that you are only dreaming during the act of dreaming itself.

What is the advantage of lucid dreaming?
We can control the dream itself since we clearly realize that we are dreaming. Wouldn't be a fascinating experience?

But what exactly can one gain from learning the art of lucid dreaming?
How do we learn the skill? Is there any book that teaches lucid dreaming?

Yes, there is one called a Lucid Dreaming kit. Its author Bradley Thompson says we all have that skill already; we only need a little guidance. He says one can even chat with Einstein once you learn the technique of lucid dreaming.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Limitations-just what are they?

"I can go up to $275 for a new cordless telephone but anything beyond it is just not in my limitations".

"To my limited knowledge, I know it can't be true"

I said it. You said it. Who has not? Everybody in this world is capable of measuring their limitations-rather, we all presume that we know our limitations. Do we really?

Definitely not if we care to understand who we really are. Wait, let me quote here a sentence from my best spiritual friend Laurie Benner.
"Do you want to be a Master of Limitations or do you want to master your limitations?"

Isn't it thought provoking? Does it not stop you for a moment and ponder on it before giving your answer?

This is Laurie's answer: "I know am a child of the Universe and as such am not living out my existence in a cardboard box of my own making".

This is a superlative article that I want you to read. If you have something to say, please tell her directly. Her article is titled, "You can Master Your Limitations".

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Exploring the laws of universe.

It has been a long time since I indulged on thinking aloud on the laws of universe in this blog though, I have been very sincerely trying to follow them. I must confess that it has not been easy always to follow that I vowed to practice. After all, 50 years of non-practice of these universal laws has accumulated a lot of residue in my system that I have been trying to dissolve.

The very first law that is the most perfect match to the vibration of our creator is the law of appreciation aka law of gratitude.

Even for every small things that happen in our day to day life, there are reasons to appreciate and thus feel gratitude for. The more we appreciate it means saying to the universe 'More of it please'.
I liked this explanation written in the book "Ask and it is given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

Actually, this explanation is straight from the mouth of Abraham, an ascended master, who spoke through Esther.

The power of appreciation or the power of gratitude makes you feel good. And when you feel good, you have no resistance. The negative feelings like anger, depression, worry and fear do not find a place in you when you are appreciating something.

As you keep your vibration at this higher level, the law of attraction as one of the laws of universe will bring you face to face with more of the things for you to appreciate thus keeping your mood in good feelings.

The law of attraction will conspire for you to move people in your directions that will bring cheer to you; will produce events in your life that will make you happy.

So, by simply practicing the law of appreciation, the universe will ensure that you are always in joyful mood.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

You can't get it all.

Somewhere in early forties, we all tend to measure our remaining days and seriously start preparing to accumulate wealth and relationship for the rest of our lives. Till that time, we have been enjoying our life happily and care free. Ironically, when we start preparing for the rainy days after 40, we also stop living -rather stop enjoying the moment.

"Ok, do you mean to say that the actions or preparation that we do after 40-should not be carried out?"

It is a question I ask myself and am still trying to find the correct answers. But one thing I am sure of and I guess many will agree on this that we definitely start preparing to leave this body. "After I die, what will happen to my family"-is the main reason for our contemplation of life after 40.

To some extent, I have an answer; rather, God gave me an answer. He pivoted me 360 degrees towards religion and made me undertake a religious ritual by which I surrendered everything at the feet of God.

Now I am at peace knowing that God will take care of my family and in fact, he has been doing exactly that all these years. Only I was under the wrong notion that I have been taking care of my family.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Do ghosts exist?

There was a discussion in YuWie about the existence of ghosts and your belief in it. I immediately started reading it and gave my reply. It is my favorite subject mainly because, I wanted to clear several misconceptions about ghosts.

As we all know, ghosts are spirits of the deceased persons. These spirits will stay back and hover around its immediate family for a few days. The number of days will vary as per different religious beliefs but they all concur on the existence of ghosts.

The reason for the ghosts to stay behind is their non-refusal that they have just shed their human body. It takes time for them to assimilate this fact before they move on the world of spirits.

There are not at all harmful to human beings. They are all extension of God, the creator of life.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Increase your subconscious mind power.

What if someone tells you to:

Raise your weak perceptions into Strengths and Balance?

Become inspired by people and feel a surge of love inside you that can't be contained?

Wake up out of your "sleep walking life" and feel your inner guide directing you in all areas of your life?

Feel confidence growing in your belly so strong that all emotional pain is replaced by strength and power?

You may either answer, “Impossible” or you may answer, “get lost”.

Let me talk to those who said ‘impossible’.

I will say that everything is possible and it is done automatically. I am not fooling you or pulling your leg.

This Subliminal Video will make it possible for you automatically. All you have to watch this video clip for just 20 minutes a day.

In this Subliminal Video:

WHAT YOU SEE : Classy, Professionally-Produced, High Quality Video of On-Topic Images.

WHAT YOU HEAR: Rainforest, Ocean Waves & Other Professionally-Recorded & Produced Sounds of Nature.

WHAT YOU DON'T SEE: Hidden, Flashing Commands & Subconscious *Power Images* Flashing at 1/30-of-a-Second.

WHAT YOU DON'T HEAR: Subconscious Hypnotic Audio Commands Hidden & Professionally Mixed In The Audio.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

What do you think it might be? A stone or something like that probably?

Yes, it is Moldavite-rather activated Moldavite. The truth about this gem stone is (yes, it is classified as a rare gem) that it created by the impact of meteorite! It is only found in Bohemia.

Since it came not from the earth, the possession of this rare gem from heaven is considered precious. It is said to be a symbol of fire and thus has extraordinary healing and spiritual powers.

Wikipedia says,
* The total amount of Moldavite scattered around the world is estimated at 275 tons.
* There are now only four moldavite mines that are in full operation in the Czech Republic.
* It is predicted that in less than ten years from now commercial Moldavite mining will come to an end. After this time, there will be virtually no appreciable amount of gem-grade Moldavite left in the ground."

Here is a mystical interpretation from Akradian Collection.
"Moldavite is a gift to mankind. This unique green gem was sent to us from the heavens 15 million years ago, but was meant for a future time which is now

As per them Moldavite carries a very high vibration and stimulates the organism to eliminate toxins, to rejuvenate cells and repel bacteria and harmful foreign substances from it.

Competition between the giants and patriots.

Date: Feb 3rd 2008.

Venue: University of Phoenix Stadium

The whole world knows what is going to happen on Feb 3rd at the University of Phoenix stadium. It is the ultimate show of skill and might between the New York Giants and the New England Patriots.

I would not be surprised if I hear ‘Sold Out’ of super bowl tickets already. But I reckon there might still be some remote chances of securing a seat, only if you contact Super Bowl Hotline 1-800-921-2752. Or you can send an SMS to 26220 with “NFL’ in the body of the text message. I would urge you to do it now before you even finish reading this article fully because TicketsNow has announced that you can save $500 on a pair of Super Bowl tickets.

Once your text message is received, you will receive a code that you can redeem at during checkout. You can also call (800) 927-2770 for your code.

TicketsNow is the world’s largest independent online marketplace for premium event tickets and is brilliantly managed by its Chairman Mile Domek.

Monday, January 21, 2008

There is an answer. Just wait.

Every time I read an article that described one's personal experience, I feel like sharing it with the universe. Because, the more people read it, the more the chances of someone getting the message.

And if that someone is confronted with more of that message through similar personal experiences of others, the more the message gets implanted strongly and evolving in to a faith.

Here is one article I want you to read titled, "There is an answer".

And here is my sent to the author of that article:
"Beautiful and moving. Yes, there is an answer, always.
We are put in a situation for some reason. In this situation of yours, your faith was tested and confirmed. In future, you will never ever give up this unshakable faith, come whatsoever."

If you, as a reader of this blog post come across a similar article or an experience, please do let me know. I thank you in advance.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

How to get back the focus?

We humans respond to the circumstances and observations. In other words, we our emotions reflect what we observe or hear.

The impact of this is evident from our experience of lack of money, goods, good relationship etc. If we don't have enough money, we are not enthusiastic. Here, our focus is on lack and naturally we attract more of the same.

The resulting negative emotion also thereby expands and we continue to remain in the same emotion. The solution to this is divert our focus what we want to have. How do we achieve this?

There is an interesting game suggested by the ascended master Abraham which I read it in "Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires" by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

The Magical creation box:
Arrange a nice looking carton box and on it write, "Whatever is contained in this box-is" and keep the box in a prominent place. Whenever you see a picture of something and you feel like experiencing the same in your real life, cut it and put it in the box and while doing so, repeat the words you wrote on the box.

Now your focus is filling up the box with the things you desire and see, you are not focusing anymore on your present circumstances. By the law of attraction, whatever you focus on expands and universe will present more things you appreciate.

Cool method!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A sort of seesaw game.

When the gold bullion market is up, stock market dives and when the gold price edges down, the equities market looks up. In this seesaw game, the person who sticks with bullion market always ends up with a profit, at least in the long run.

Due to some fickle profits that I made two weeks ago in the share market, I got carried away which was against my nature. I don’t like to lose but I lost some money. sad Had I been loyal to my pet silver and gold, I would be richer by a few thousand rupees today.

This had happened in spite of my regular subscriptions to various investment advise newsletters and I also watch the live silver price movement at which has been saying that silver's historic role as a store of value and investment, and its increasing demand in an environment where growing industrial use exceeds available new supplies, further suggest a bullish trend for this versatile metal.

Through Monex Deposit Company (MDC) you can purchase silver or other precious metals for immediate personal delivery or arrange for convenient and safe storage at an independent bank or depository

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Video subliminal-a miraculous find.

In order to manifest the money you desire you have followed these:
* Signed up to receive newsletters that educate you how to write affirmations and how to say these affirmations.
* Bought and downloaded every ebook on law of attraction and read them at least twice.
* Attended workshops after workshops on self development.

But the distant money keeps eluding you and refuses to manifest in your life.

Are you doing something wrong then?
Yes. you bet you are. From my experience, I can point out that your conscious mind continues to disallow the desires you have prayed for. The exact meaning is your conscious mind that analyses everything intellectually and rationally doesn't believe that your desires are in fact are possible to manifest in your life.

You may likely to refuse this theory but I am not going to argue with you. But I think I can give you a solution with which your all powerful subconscious mind is programmed in such a way that it will simply start believing in the impossibles that your conscious mind believes in.

I will introduce to you the Video subliminal. In order to keep your excitement alive, I will stop writing more about video subliminal here and let you find out all by yourself.

Ready? Go here.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

How to be spiritual?

"Don't try to be spiritual; be it"-Dr. Wayne Dyer. How wonderfully said!

Anyone and everyone who have justed started their journey on the spiritual path, would not know their destination. I am a living example for this.

But do you know that the destination is not very far off? In fact, I feel that there really is no need to search for anything that is distant just because we think we have started on our spiritual journey.

Just by being our natural self and remaining so consciously always, we can become an enlightened soul in a physical body. In this state, we can positively affect several million people spread over the entire expanse of the physical world. We may not realize this happening consciously but it will happen as this is how the universe functions.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Guest list manager for wedding.

Most of the times we get carried away with our excitement as the wedding date gets closer. Every item on the checklist is gone over at least twice and we are happy that we have not missed out anything.

Still, something goes awry and we are baffled at how we missed it. For example, we might not have included a particular item in our budget or we might have mismanaged the confirmed guest list because we do all the planning manually.

Wedding Planning can be carried out meticulously and error free with the help of budget calculator and guest list manager provided by, that has been serving thousands of families since 1997.

The web’s most comprehensive wedding-planning site, combines free, interactive planning tools, expert advice, inspiration photos, a local vendor guide, a patented online registry system, and more to make planning a classic, upscale wedding as easy and stress-free as possible.

I have gone through the web site fully and it took more than an hour to assimilate everything it provides and let me tell you that I have never come across such a complete wedding planning resources web site than Wedding

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Are you in the personal development list.

Hi visitors. Thanks you for dropping by. May I assume that you also maintain a blog on similar topic? If so, and if you are not yet included in network of blogs on personal development, please go to Priscilla Palmer's blog and follow the instructions accordingly.

And if you are already in the list, there is some change made by Priscilla and as per the change, you need to claim your blog in order to be included in the updated list.

I quote her:
"Now, in order to make this list function to it’s full capacity I need to ask all of you who are already on the list to claim your blog using this link . "

I just did it and it was smooth. Thank God I found time today to visit her after a long time. New comers who are going to read her blog for the first time, may not return to this blog because Priscilla's blog can be your last search on anything spiritual. She is just too good.

Monday, December 31, 2007

The healers from Hawaii.

Hawaii-apart from earning the name of the most preferred destination in the world, it also is known for its 'Kahunas'-who are said to have great healing capacities. They are mostly priests and teachers.

Kahuna is a Hawaiian word, defined in the Pukui & Elbert Dictionary as "Priest, sorcerer, magician, wizard, minister, expert in any profession."

Forty different types of kahuna are listed in the book, "Tales from the Night Rainbow". Kamakau lists more than 20 in the healing professions alone, including for example Kahuna la'au lapa'au, an expert in herbal medicine and kahuna haha, an expert in diagnosing illnesses.

In India, such healers are called 'Siddhars'. They (kahunas and Siddhars) are also said to possess supernatural powers, knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, and astrology, and some have ability to change the future.

By now, I see a transformation taking place everywhere in the world that takes the people more towards spirituality and belief in the powers of ascended masters. In India, there are several stories of these ascended masters who are actually guardian angels.

"In Hawaii, if a Kahuna needs information concerning the future or any other aspect of life, he
prays to his aumakua, his guardian spirit. The aumakua, according to Hawaiian belief, is the spirit of a departed ancestor, who with loving concern guides and protects you. It is thought of as a guardian angel hovering above you....."

Courtesy: Wikipedia and

The bidding starts now.

When I see different discount/cashback offers by different credit cards I would imagine a scene where about 7 credit issuing companies and financial institutions sit with an eager anticipation for auction gong to go. Finally, after a few tense minutes, the bell is rung and the organizer of the auctions announces, “The bidding starts now”. biggrin

The bidding was intended for offer of cash back to consumers by these credit card issuing authorities when they pay for gas using their credit cards. Gas Credit Cards are great money savers and I view the whole idea as an innovative marketing concept initiated by the credit card issuers. Since, gas is near equivalent to food, there is always a stiff competition among credit card issuing banks to garner as many people as possible to buy their cards.

I would not jump at a similar offer that is offered over telephone by telemarketers. I would use to compare the offers by various credit card companies and then choose the best among them. features offers from leading U.S Credit Card issuers such as J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citibank and leading brands Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Does spirituality mean poverty?

It is quite probable that the question arose after seeing the life of ascetics and sadhus. But they are not spiritual leaders altogether; they lead more a life of religious penance.

There is this confirmed misconception that those whose life is in the transition stage-from materialistic to spiritualistic, always face financial shortage.

I happen to read an article in Cosmic Lighthouse on this subject and that's why I am writing my thoughts here. They have attributed a seemingly valid reason for spiritual leaders or spiritual healers living a life in poorly conditions.

I quote them below:
"...underselling their services and abilities and denied themselves the luxuries of life that they richly deserve. Believing that to be spiritual they cannot charge more than the minimum of fees or in some cases even giving their services away."

Again this is a question of varying concept. I believe that the so called spiritual powers were gifted to them from the universe. They mostly would not have spent a fortune to get these healing powers like medical practitioners. So, it is quite possible that they believed in giving things away freely that were given to them freely.

Can anyone bother debate on this?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sure way to experience abundance.

"You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you." - Sarah Ban Breathnach

This morning was greeted by this message from an email newsletter that I received from Wes Hopper of

I am sure you wonder how it is possible for our lives to change for the better by just giving thanks to everything we have as on date and everything we experience daily.

When do we say thanks? When do we feel the genuine gratitude?
When we receive something good from others and from nature, we say thanks because we have sincerely appreciated whatever we have received or experienced.

For once, forget about the material given to us and let us think about something beautiful that we observed and appreciated-a natural scene, a soul touching music or a life changing spiritual wisdom; we say thanks and we continue talk about it or think about it for a day or two.

This keeps our focus on those wonderful experiences. By the law of universe or more specifically, by the law of attraction, what we focus, expands. Those laws see to it that we experience more of the same (what we experienced and said thanks for).

Now, I am grateful for the newsletter that I received today that inspired me to write this blog. I am positive that the message in this blog post will reach at least one person in this world. And he will pass it on surely thereby creating a chain.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Capella wins Minnesota Tekne Award.

It has been raining cats and dogs in Madras since last two days. There is water everywhere. In spite of the inclement weather, a few students attended my class.

As I have just completed my M. Phil through online education and awaiting result, one student wanted to know what topic I have chosen. I told her that I browsed through various topics offered by the Capella University in their PhD program in Education and I chose ‘Higher Education Administration” as my topic. I intended to do my PhD in he same subject.

I told the student about the Capella University that won the Minnesota Tekne Awards in the Technology User category.

It is my duty to tell you about the “TECHNOLOGY USER Award”. It is awarded for innovative application of products or services resulting in dramatic business improvement or market advantage. The award is presented by the Minnesota High Tech Association ( in partnership with LifeScience Alley and Minnesota Technology, Inc.

All my students were quite impressed when I told them that the Capella University’s online Information Technology program is among the first completely online IT curriculums in the nation.

This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit

Inner whispers for you.

I read and liked this:
"If you don't towards communism when you 18, then, there is something wrong with you.
If you remain as a communist even when you are forty, then, there is something wrong with you."

It is written by a Tamil poet named Na. Muthukumar.

Like that, by the age of forty, nearly everyone tend to lean towards spiritualism and start trying to look inner. When the leanings are sincere and ardent, you will happen to lay your hands on proper books and will also happen to meet persons who will speak to you about whats on your mind.

These so called coincidences mean the universe is orchestrating on behalf of you, moving things and people so that you are gently drawn towards your inner desire.

Here is a resource for you if you have spiritual preferences. If you are seeking information to assist in your Spiritual Growth and to increase your Spiritual Awareness, you will enjoy receiving your free issues of "Inner Whispers".

The fact that you are reading this piece is itself a proof of the universe's work.

So, what do you want?

Say, anything but to yourself.

Do you want to live under the sun till the snow melts in April?
Do you want to feel the joy of giving by gifting the best Christmas goodies you have ever bought so far?

Write it down as clearly and specifically as possible. Read it slowly once and then again. Then put the paper where you will see it often. When you see it, you need not open it as you know what is inside.

Don't allow others to open it. It is between you and the cosmic source. Now believe very truly and sincerely that it has been given by your creator and it exists already in non-physical form.

Allow it to manifest in your experience by remaining absolutely joyful, expecting your desires to appear in your experience without any impatience.

It will appear exactly at the right time. Do you want to know 'when' is the right time? It is when you are ready to receive it.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Fog and the tragedy.

It is not my habit to blog about any tragedy but I feel really sorry when I read about an accident that occurred yesterday that killed 16 people.

A mini van carrying passengers rammed onto a train at a level crossing in northern India killing several people and injured many persons.

The cause of the accident is dense fog. India is a peculiar country. While it is not as cold as Canada during winter in India, normal life is affected for many hours every day due to very thick fog.

And I would say almost no one is using fog lights in their vehicle. It is probable that they are not aware of the effectiveness of fog lamps that can illuminate the road over a broad area without ever disturbing the visibility of oncoming vehicles with dazzling light. offers a wide range of fog lights that are ideal when traveling through rough country at night or in foggy weather.

BTW, do you know why the fog lamps shed yellow color light?

Friday, December 14, 2007

Ask and it is given.

Yesterday, this blog attracted exactly 50 readers. I was immensely happy. I realize that I have so much to share about self improvement by way of spiritual development but somehow, I don't seem to find time to devote to this blog.

I need peace of mind to write for this blog, I should not be weighed down by the pressure of day to day survival. That is my ultimate wish. I strongly believe that I can positively affect millions of people across the vast expanse of the globe if only I don't have to work for money. This is my ardent desire that I expect it to be answered in reality.

I know it is already answered by my creator with whom I have a bond that cannot be severed. I only have to allow it to appear in my experience by just living now.

Thank you Abraham.

The solution to be happy always.

'The power of now' seemed to be absolute solution for all our imagined problems. Yes, I can now clearly say 'imagined problems' because I took myself a test and repeated the same with my family members.

The result was astoundingly positive. I asked myself if I have any problem NOW. I knew I was not joyful at that time and decided that the reason for my state of negative emotion was my concern about a pressing matter that I had to face the next day.

I repeated the question to myself and told myself to narrow down to the present moment not not beyond it. I found myself saying I had no problem at all at that precise moment.

The reason for the negative state of emotion is only because of my worry about the next day which was several moments away.

You got my point?