Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2008

What are your spiritual values.

Since I started reading spiritual development books in 2005, I have started practicing what I read and what appealed to my Being. I mean, if I feel elated and happy while reading something, I will use it as an emotional guidance and whenever my spirit is made to behave in it's pure nature, I treat it as my spiritual values.

These spiritual values of mine have big list but I never made that list on paper mainly because there are so many. Yes, frankly speaking, I needed proper guidance which I have found out today while reading a blog post titled 'Determining your spiritual values' by Debra Moorehead.










Spreading Happiness
























From the above list, if I have to rank them, I will choose the first six words 'Peace, Love, Joy, Forgiveness, Compassion and Faith.

I also noticed that her blog has to be read at great length.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Law of attraction worked-a proof.

As I have already written, I have so much to write about in this blog on topics of laws of universe, law of attraction, law of cause and effect and the power of gratitude etc.

After I dug a story in Digg, I searched in it for a story in law of cause and effect. I was surprised to find none on it. Can you believe this?

Just as I was about to exit the Digg, I accidentally clicked on something else there and I found myself reading the 7 spiritual laws. I believed that the law of attraction worked in this case. Don't you think so?

I was automatically guided to something whereas I was searching for it's other face. Yes, law of attraction's other face is the law of cause and effect.

Though, I didn't find anything new in the said article, I believe it may change your life for the better. Read it now and pass it on if you feel like it.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

How to be spiritual?

"Don't try to be spiritual; be it"-Dr. Wayne Dyer. How wonderfully said!

Anyone and everyone who have justed started their journey on the spiritual path, would not know their destination. I am a living example for this.

But do you know that the destination is not very far off? In fact, I feel that there really is no need to search for anything that is distant just because we think we have started on our spiritual journey.

Just by being our natural self and remaining so consciously always, we can become an enlightened soul in a physical body. In this state, we can positively affect several million people spread over the entire expanse of the physical world. We may not realize this happening consciously but it will happen as this is how the universe functions.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Does spirituality mean poverty?

It is quite probable that the question arose after seeing the life of ascetics and sadhus. But they are not spiritual leaders altogether; they lead more a life of religious penance.

There is this confirmed misconception that those whose life is in the transition stage-from materialistic to spiritualistic, always face financial shortage.

I happen to read an article in Cosmic Lighthouse on this subject and that's why I am writing my thoughts here. They have attributed a seemingly valid reason for spiritual leaders or spiritual healers living a life in poorly conditions.

I quote them below:
"...underselling their services and abilities and denied themselves the luxuries of life that they richly deserve. Believing that to be spiritual they cannot charge more than the minimum of fees or in some cases even giving their services away."

Again this is a question of varying concept. I believe that the so called spiritual powers were gifted to them from the universe. They mostly would not have spent a fortune to get these healing powers like medical practitioners. So, it is quite possible that they believed in giving things away freely that were given to them freely.

Can anyone bother debate on this?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Answeres directly from God!

Follwing is the list of answeres by God for questions asked by a man.

I give below only the answeres as they are thought provoking and absolutely true even without the questions.

Would you take a simple test just for fun? Try to write the relevant questions for each answer.
Then at the end of this blog post, find the link to the original post with full questions and answeres.

Yes, these answeres and questions belong to another blogger and I am extremely happy to have found it and equally happy to share it with you.

God: Eyes provide sight. Heart provides insight.

God: Success is a measure as decided by others. Satisfaction is a measure as decided by you.

God: Knowing the road ahead is more satisfying than knowing you rode ahead. You work with the compass. Let others work with the clock.

God: Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go.
Always count your blessing, not what you are missing.

God: When they suffer they ask, "Why me?" When they prosper, they never ask, "Why me?" Everyone wishes to have truth on their side, yet few want to be on the side of the truth.

God: Seek not to find who you are, but to determine who you want to be. Stop looking for a purpose as to why you are here. Create it. Life is not a process of discovery but a process of creation.

God: Don't believe your doubts and doubt your beliefs. Life is a mystery to solve not a problem to resolve.

Original post with thanks: One Powerful World.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Dealth penalty to whom?

I read in a local news paper that so far 12 persons were sentenced to death in the 1993 masacre.

Shall we analyse this barbaric punishment?
Ok, people were proved guilty. Now he is punished with death sentence. Who they are killing?
Who actually committed the crime-his body or his mind?

We cannot take any action without our mind directing us to do something-right? Then, only his mind is to be punished. But that cannot be because mind has no form.

So, his body is going to stripped of his soul which escapes his body in an unevolved state and likely to continue the same when it enters the body of another in its next incarnation.
So, the very purpose of punishing a person is defeated.

So, what do I suggest?
Instead of taking his life away, he can be patiently taught about religion and spirituality, soul and its purpose etc. This may take long years but can be done and his soul will be evolved to a large extant when it naturally leaves his body.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

What is a problem?

In a beautiful way, Dr. Wayne Dyer defines the problem or what we assume as a problem.

The material world and all the pleasures that it offers are being experienced by us solely though our senses.

Are you with me so far?

Ok, once we get the taste of such pleasures like wealth, adulation, alcohol etc, we strive to please these senses with more of the same.

When we are not provided with these demands of the senses, we say we have a problem. Yet these are problems only in our mind.

Are you beginning to understand? Please read again, think it over and it will make sense.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Discover your soul.

Discovering your soul-discovering oneself is man's foremost goal. Sages are doing penance mainly to discover who they are and what is their purpose of life in this earth.

Hindu religion always encourages us to look in and merge with our creator. There are several methods to discover our soul and meditation is the most the productive method.

Eckankar, teaches that life follows a natural order. This lifetime is a precious chance to reawaken to your true identity. If you have a strong desire to find a better, more direct way to God, read Is Life a Random Walk? The truth you seek may be at your fingertips.

His website offers free-books-and-information packet in several languages and includes special information for many countries. Through these books Eckankar teaches spiritual exercises to help us connect with the Light and Sound of God, for a richer, happier life.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Can religion merge with science?

As we incline towards God, religion and spirituality when we cross 40, our scientific past will interfere with our new thinking. Over dependence on science to a large extent has narrowed our mind.

We lose the capacity to listen to our inner voice, overwriting it with assumed intelligence.

Siva Baba's teachings are committed to the merger of science and religion for creating a new world order.

Dattatreya Siva Baba.
Datta is a scholar mystic interested in both the academic studies and experiential dimensions of spirituality

Datta is also the founder of Soul Genetics and Mind-Sound Technology. Tripura Foundation is the charitable and humanitarian division of Datta's organization.

I read a few paragraphs in his web site and he has some new things to say.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Don't try to be spiritual.

Don't try to be spiritual, be a spirit-Dr.Wayne Dyer

He adds:
Don't be a Christian-be like a Christ
Don't be a Buddhist-be like a Buddha

Can you understand the meaning of these words?

I did and I will explain.

What is the use of calling oneself as a Buddhist if he/she doesn't behave like a Buddha? If one shows all the attributes of Lord Buddha, then he becomes a Buddha instead of a Buddhist.

By showing the face of the GOD, one becomes a GOD. The Godness in us and in everybody will will surface if we truly practise God's qualities.

When we try to be a spirit, we display all spiritual qualities and become a true spirit in the God's sense.

The school of new consciousness.

This is something different; something new-the kryon school.

A person named Kryon says he is talking to us through a medium and he will teach us 'The Awakening' through 48 steps. And he says he will give us miracles.

I am a open minded person. I am always open to new thinking. For the past two weeks or so, I have been encountering different persons who I think are guides sent by God. Yes, I am now guided by them towards my life purpose. It is clear; very clear.

I can't explain all my inner calmness that has descended on me since I met my guides. Kryon school which I believe is going to change my life.

I quote:
"At no time has an angel ever written something personally, he has always used a medium and I have chosen a medium who will pass my messages to you precisely."

I will speak no more about this. I am going to experience a new sensation.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Heart or head contest.

When I was a teenager, I read Ayn Rand with passion. I was terribly impressed by her ideals, writing style and philosophy.

At that age, I firmly believed that head should rule the heart. I earned the wrath of my family and they called me adamant. I just took it in my stride; I knew I was not adamant.

But, now that I have aged, read spirituality and thus came to a conclusion that the heart should rule the head. Listening to the inner voice is more virtuous and wise. Neglecting your feelings and emotions will surely thwart my spiritual growth.

In my local daily today, (The Hindu) there was a news item that reported a Mr. Joe Kaiser won the title and a gold medal for this year's Great American Think-Off in which ordinary people debate perplexing questions.

Mr. Kaiser argued that a person should trust the heart more than the head.

The news originally came from AP says, "America's Greatest Thinker is not a famous philosopher, an award winning mathematician or internationally known astrophysicist but a musician and an arts administrator.