Thursday, May 12, 2016

Learn quickly to manifest your desires by cosmic ordering.

Cosmic Ordering is all about tapping the unlimited energy of the universe and asking it to provide whatever you want and get it too unfailingly.

In fact, you can put an order to the cosmos and that’s why it is called Cosmic Ordering.

What to do after you have ordered the cosmos?
Just sit back and wait for it to deliver it to your doorstep.

What exactly can one order the cosmic energy?
Just about anything that includes

Expand the list as you like.

Whatever you want, just ASK - and you shall RECEIVE!

Is it called “manifesting the desires”?
Absolutely YES!
Cosmic Ordering is perhaps one of the most AWE-INSPIRING methods of manifesting change in your life in the QUICKEST way possible.

And no matter how SPECIFIC you are with your goals, you could be seeing them materialize -- in just a FEW DAYS from now.

Now, the burning question is; How to order the Cosmos?
All you need to do is discover HOW to begin cosmic ordering...
Get the full lowdown -- and discover the MOST POWERFUL, MOST ADVANCED Cosmic Ordering secrets -- by checking out the OFFICIAL Advanced Cosmic Ordering website.

Just click on this link to learn more: 

Recent Success story of Cosmic Ordering:

Noel Edmonds is the host and creator of the worldwide TV franchise "Deal or No Deal" – and he claims that Cosmic Ordering is the single secret behind his new-found fame and fortune. 
Advanced Cosmic Ordering - Tell The Universe What You Want

Monday, December 30, 2013

What your dreams tell you?

"Tell me your dreams and I will tell you what do they tell you"-I am sure you have come across this sentence in books, blog posts, movies, self development books and even from some of your friends and relatives who have learnt to interpret dreams.

Though there are skeptics on this interesting subject, I am sure even they would secretly desire to know the meaning of their dreams, especially when a dream occurs repeatedly without any reason.

What dreams are more reported?
* Dream of dying
* Dream of flying
* Dream of running for life
* Dream of sagging legs when running
* Dream of missing the bus/train/flight
* Dream of walking out semi naked
* Dream of having sex

Well, there may be more that might fill out several pages.The most sought after dream meaning is for frequent dreaming of dying. We all know that dreams are generally unfulfilled desires stored in subconscious mind, but it cannot be applied always. For example, surely, we don't wish to die and still why do we dream about it?

Such unpleasant dreams-do they convey us any message? If so, who sends that message and why?
Jenny Lansbury is considered to be U.K.'s leading dream analyst and she has given answers to several recurring dreams in his book, "Dreams Meaning Kit"

Meanings of Dreams
Uncover Your Dreams

Saturday, March 09, 2013

How to use the Cosmic Law of Abundance?

For those who don’t know, the cosmic law of abundance as the name suggests is prevalent everywhere. Our earth atmosphere is covered by this abundance. That is why it is available to all of us. It affects our everyday living.

Those who deliberately use the cosmic law of abundance must have been trained thoroughly by experts or by existing books that teach them the tricks. There are several others who are always in tune with this universal law without any conscious effort.

While the second category of them is naturally attuned, it is the first category of deliberate creators that concern us. They have been shown with concrete proof that such a law of abundance exists and the led them to believe in it to practice it.

The believers in cosmic law know that they can change their destiny on their will.

Cosmic energy can be your obedient friend if you live by a positive energy which is actually your nature. However, we pollute our mind with so many negative thoughts and feelings that we fail to live by our fundamental benevolent nature and thus pollute the atmosphere.

The cosmic law of abundance is there for all of us solely to help us have a better life.  Accepting abundance into our life is the first step in understanding and using the cosmic energy around us. 

I recently happen to read an excellent guide on how to order the cosmic law of abundance. Note that I have used the word ‘order’ simply because it is there for us to order.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

What is this Mini tool T for Law of Attraction?

I read about this strange Law of Attraction T-ToolTM and is said to be the single most useful tool for gaining clarity. I know what exactly is the law of attraction and how it works without fail every time someone activates it or practice it.

For that matter, we do it always unconsciously. The resulting negative events perplex us and we wonder what we did to deserve it. We never realize we attracted what we did not want.
If there is one tool or a single exercise to help you attract more of what you want, you would be ready to pay whatever price I ask for-right?  I have helped people to resolve tough financial situations, get jobs abroad etc through simple law of attraction methods.

Ok, how this Law of Attraction T-ToolTM can help you?

The following paragraphs are reproduced from another article not written by me.

1. Pick a subject that you want clarity about or want to feel better about. Be creative in your subject title. Instead of calling it "My Ideal Client" try something like: "Clients I have the most fun working with" or "This type of client knocks my sock off!"

2. Using a blank sheet of paper, draw a large letter "T" on the page. Label the left column, "I don't like..." and the right column, "I do like..."

3. Begin on the left side, by asking yourself:  What don't I like in regard to this subject? Think of as may things as you can. Don't stop at two or three--aim for 20 items or more. This will remove low frequency vibrations that slow down or block you from receiving what you DO like.

4. Now, take each item and ask yourself, "If I don't like this, what DO I like?" And write your answer using the BEST words you can find.

Here is a true case study involving The Mini T-ToolTM:
Recently, I was working with a student who is in the midst of a career change. One item in her "I don't like..." column was: "A crazy boss." I let her continue to tell me about other things she did not like or want in her new job, and then I asked her to explain what a "crazy boss" looks like--I was picturing someone wearing a white lab coat with wild hair sticking out in every direction and wide eyes popping out of their face. She said, "A 'crazy boss' is someone who doesn't let you do what he asks you to do. Someone who is looking over your shoulder every minute and micromanages your assignment."

I thought to myself, "This isn't what I pictured!" So we did a little T-ToolTM on what she didn't like and did like in a supervisor. When we finished, she said, "Whew! I knew I was going to attract a 'crazy boss' if I kept thinking about it, now I know what I DO want in a boss and I can keep my attention on THAT."

Take a look at your T-ToolTM. Is there something in either column that is too general or could be interpreted in different ways?  If your terminology is confusing to someone else, the Law of Attraction will be confused too. Ask yourself, "Is this specific enough?"  And see if you can do a Mini T-ToolTM. Doing several Minis will give you even MORE clarity.

I searched the web for this T-ToolTM. No! There is no further information; no more than what you read above.

May be I should develop such a tool for activating law of attraction positively even by non-believers’.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Is it really possible to attract women using auto suggestion?

If there is one thing that comes naturally to human beings in the field of self improvement, it is ‘self suggestion’. We do it almost constantly but we really are not conscious of it. Ah, there it is. If only we are conscious of our ceaseless self talk, we can convert that habit to attract or manifest whatever we want.

 I am writing about this particular topic because, I recently read an interesting article titled, “how to attract women using self suggestion”. I am sure this particular subject would attract millions of readers irrespective of their ages-right?

So, is it really possible to attract women using auto suggestion?

  I suppose it is possible or for that matter, you can use this self suggestion to:

1.   Win job interviews

2.   Get an event ticket that is in high demand

I will let you write your own points as you deem fit.

Self suggestion is a two faced coin; it has positive as well as the negative power. We must learn to see only one side of the coin. It requires a bit of guidance and lots and lots of practice.

Remember, self suggestion or auto suggestion is a proven science.

Image source:

Monday, December 17, 2012

Useful e-courses to develop psychic powers.

Psychic powers and fame it get you if you have them make thousands of people in most parts of the world search for spiritual teachers to impart training on how to develop psychic powers.

However, they are not usually clear about what they are going to do once they pick up psychic powers and that guides them in the wrong direction.

Psychic powers-once you develop and start practicing either to impress others or really help to solve a problem, invariably lands you in limelight. That's it! Once that happens you crave for more publicity.

It is time people ask you to impart psychic power training and you really do not know how to give training because you are so new but the money lures you into a trap.

Psychic powers exit in all of us, only they are latent. We need some guidance to tap into this rich latent powers and it requires persistent practice too.

There are ebooks/ecourses  on developing psychic powers and psychic ability. There are some so called psychic gurus that charge you per hour of online training.

Choose wisely.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The role of Serotonin in eliminating anxiety.

If you read somewhere that “anxiety is a living hell”, don’t conclude that it is an exaggerated phrase. The affected people will vouch for its absolute truth. It is very hard to live with anxiety that always leads to depression. It definitely hinders your daily live.

Anxiety should not be termed as a worry or concern. It is a form of expectation, rather nervous.

Finding a treatment for depression and anxiety. Before finding a treatment for depression and anxiety on your own, first consult with your physician who would put you on to some stress relievers failing which, he might refer you to a therapist who would certainly eliminate your anxiety.

Various types of treatments for Depression and Anxiety I was once of opinion that pills won’t cure anxiety and tension. Now I realize I am wrong. A few medications were proven to be successful in treating depression and anxiety. Anti-depressants are helpful in to some extent. They might first eliminate your anxiety and slowly you would come out of its sister ‘depression’.

The role of Serotonin
I don’t blame you if you say you have never heard of ‘Serotonin. This implies that you are a cheerful and positive person. Yes, serotonin, the chemical in our body is high on you if you cheerful. If it goes down, anxiety grips you. Do I mean to say that by artificially boosting the level of serotonin, you could be relieved of your anxiety life long? No, I won’t say that because it is just not possible. Acute anxiety disorder can be treated with behavioral therapy only which helps the patient to reprogram their thinking pattern.

Can exercise help in treating anxiety?
Yes! It certainly helps. I happen to read in a local language magazine that exercising with a group of people quickly eliminates anxiety. I am not sure whether it is true. Even therapists would advice exercise for anxiety filled people because it is a known fact that it increases the levels of certain chemicals in your system.

We all certainly could be benefited if we walk a few kilometers daily. Exercise has been shown to solve certain issues involved with depression, and is a very good way to keep your mind in shape as well as the body. 

Though anxiety leads to depression, both are considered different by therapists but at early stages, both can be treated at the same time with the same medications and therapy.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The world's best definition of Faith.

The best definition of Faith

that I have ever come across is on the image below.

You would have read on hundreds of places about what 'faith' is. Most of them would relate to religious faith. However, this faith is not pertaining to religion but 'LIFE'.

It is all bout your faith in:
* life
* people
* the next moment
* your next step

You see, you don't faith; it is in you. We all have it.

Image courtesy: I got it from one of my Google circles.
Enhanced by Zemanta

Monday, October 22, 2012

Felt like been there before? Déjà vu?

The feeling that you had already visited a place that you are visiting for the first time is applicable to us all. It is not something special exclusively to spiritually advanced people like you and I and him. Oh yes, and her too.

This strange feeling of been there before is called déjà vu.

Such familiarity feeling need not be pleasant always. While we cannot rule the feeling of happiness, some reported inexplicable fear.

 What does it imply? That is the ultimate question when that feeling occurs.

Did you live there in your previous birth? Most of movies made on déjà vu
indicated previous birth association. This is true to a large extent.

Another certain possibility is your inner wish, buried deeply in your subconscious mind. The image of a place that you saw in movie or in a magazine would have made you wish to go over there one day.

Finally, a dream manifested in physical reality. The image of the place etched in your subconscious mind was so strong that it surfaced in your dream. We all remember some dreams vividly even after a few days while most of our dreams vanish into thin air as soon as the dream was over.

Beyond these possibilities, I don't attach any meaning to feelings of déjà vu.

Metaphysics is interesting.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why women like Alpha males?

Women do not only like alpha males; they adore them!   Find out why by reading further.

Alpha is the brightest star in a constellation.

Alpha males are guys who seem to be leading the pack, the hunter, the ever-reliable male god. It is all about their strength in the character.

There is a semblance of authority in his voice that seems to attract others, male or female. An alpha male is filled with confidence about his looks though he may not be handsome and is confident about his intelligence though he may not be a Wharton graduate.

Very well said-eh?

Women describe alpha males as those with an innate superiority and who literally leads the pack. These are males who are aggressive and assertive despite their limitations.

Alpha males are said to be born leaders, self confident and assertive. These are the qualities that make women swoon over the alpha male. 

Need we say more?