Monday, February 26, 2007

The Shocking Truth About Absences .

This man Christopher Westra must be a man possessed with
God's wisdom.

Look at what he is saying about absences.

You can't actually create an absence or a lack of
something into your
life. We may talk of attracting
poverty or illness but I'll tell you
why it's really
not that way. Absences, or lacks, do not exist,
and cannot be attracted.
 Doesn’t it make sense to you? Doesn’t it immediately
appeal to your conscious mind? Well, it did to me. Read on
further in his words expressed in his email to me.
 Absences have 

No Vibratory Rate

No Matter

No Light, Intelligence, or Consciousness

No Truth (Independence, or Freedom)

No Existence

It is true that if you see poverty and feel poverty you
will end up
with poverty in your outward life. But what
is really happening that you are pushing away the abundance,
which can be repelled as well as
attracted. Think of
magnets and how they can push each other as
well as attract
each other.

Fantastic and simply superb wisdom.

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1 comment:

Rangan Badri said...

Yes Mr. Anthony Treas, I agree with you fully.

I have subscribed to your 12 Week Life Transformation and the first part was an eye opener for me.

Thanks for reading my blog post.